
Templating engine using css selectors.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sizlate from '';



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Sizlate is an HTML templating engine.

Sizlate requires no special syntax, your templates only contain valid HTML.

Templates are populated using css selectors

You can pass render a string of html, or a dom Node.

If you specify a DOM node attached to the main document the rendering will happen on the page.


Simple text

var html = '<div><a></a></div>';
var selectors = {
    'div a': 'UPDATED'
var out = sizlate.render(html, selectors);


var html = '<div><a class="class1"></a></div>';
var selectors = {
    'div a': {
        className: 'class2'
var out = sizlate.render(html, selectors);
    <a class="class1 class2"></a>


var html = '<ul><li></li></ul>';
var selectors = {
    'li': [
        'change links to this',
        'change links to this2',
            'href': 'df',
            innerHTML: 'aaa'
var out = sizlate.render(html, selectors);
    <li>change links to this</li>
    <li>change links to this2</li>
    <li href="df">aaa</li>


var html = '<div><a></a></div>';
var selectors = {
    'a': {
        href: '',
        title: 'yahoo',
        innerHTML: 'yahoo'
var out = sizlate.render(html, selectors);
    <a href="" title="yahoo">yahoo</a>

Regular Expression

var html = '<div><a>existing text</a></div>';
var selectors = {
    'a': {
        'innerText': {
            regex: /existing ([a-z]+)/ig,
            value: 'new $1'
var out = sizlate.render(html, selectors);
    <a>new text</a>

See /examples


From v1.0.0 Sizlate works in the browser. You can pass it a string of html or a dom node. For example:

var $domNode = $('#area');
var selectors = {'div': 'new content'};
sizlate.render($domNode, selectors);

From version 2.0 sizlate does not require sizzle on the client

Here is an example of doing this in the client eg:

var domNode = document.getElementById('area');
var selectors = {'div': 'new content'};
sizlate.render(domNode, selectors);


From sizlate v1 Express is not supported.

For the moment you will need to use an older version of sizlate.

The functionality is being moved into