
Sitecore Pathfinder

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sitecorePathfinder from '';


Get started, get far, get happy!

An experimental CLI for Sitecore.


Pathfinder is an experimental CLI for Sitecore, that allows developers to use their favorite tools in a familiar fashion to develop Sitecore websites.

The CLI creates a deliverable package from the source files in a project directory. The package can be installed in Sitecore using the Package Installer, Unicorn or a custom installer.

The developer process is familiar; edit source files, build and install the package, run tests or review the changes on website, repeat.

Pathfinder works with Unicorn, Sitecore Rocks and many other Sitecore tools.

How does Pathfinder make Sitecore development easier

  • Familiar developer experience: Edit source files, build project, test, repeat...
  • Text editor agnostic (Visual Studio not required - use Notepad, Notepad++, SublimeText, Atom, VS Code etc.)
  • Build process agnostic (command-line tool, so it integrates easily with Grunt, Gulp, MSBuild etc.)
  • Everything is a file (easy to edit, search and replace across multiple files, source control friendly)
  • Project directory has whole and single truth (source is not spread across development projects, databases and websites) (contineous integration friendly)
  • Project is packaged into a Sitecore Package, NuGet package, Unicorn files or a directory of files
  • Lint or check you project and website with more than 120 checkers
  • Code Generation for generating strongly typed item models, factories and unit tests


For more documentation see Pathfinder Documentation.