
To see what this simple PostCSS framework offers, please visit:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simplePostcssFramework from '';


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To see what this simple PostCSS framework offers, please visit:

What does this framework offer?

  • grid
  • buttons
  • typography (paragraph, link and headings)
  • layout (push footer down)
  • form elements
  • resets for common elements

Installation and usage


npm install simple-postcss-framework

yarn add simple-postcss-framework

Import into existing project

You can import this project with the following:

@import "../node_modules/simple-postcss-framework/styleguide/stylesheet.css"

This is depending on the path to your "node_modules" folder.

Override variables

Copy "variables.css"-file from "styleguide/variables.css" to your project and override the variables. You can also create an empty file and just override single variables like:

:root { --base__line-height: 1.5; }

Why did @hjemmesidekongen create this framework?

Basically almost all frameworks are bloated.

In the last 10 projects i've only used 20% of the entire CSS framework. But was forced to load the entire 100% of the framework. This lead to a +150kb. not-needed code-load on each pageload - that is silly.