
Official ShieldSquare Node.js express Connector. To install the connector on your system type npm i shieldsquare-express ## Version: 5.1.1

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shieldsquareExpress from '';



Official ShieldSquare Node.js express Connector. To install the connector on your system type npm i shieldsquare-express

Version: 5.1.1


  • Node.js version (>= 6.0.0)
  • This connector architects on top of express middleware concept, so this can be used only with express servers.

How do I get set up?

Shield Square Supports two modes of connection,

  • Monitor Mode (Async)
  • Active Mode (Sync)

The connector supports both of the them out of the box.

Calltype & UserId Params

Calltype defaults to 1 if it is not provided & userId defaults to '' if it is not provided.

Both the values are taken as query string parameter.

For Ex: http://localhost:3000?calltype=2&userId=12345

Contribution guidelines

  • JSLint for linting