
Sezzle's Style Guide

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sezzlestyles from '';


Sezzle Style Guide

A Style guide for and applications. Use this to create a consistent UI throughout all applications and websites.


npm install


npm start


Build Global CSS

npm run build

Upload Global CSS and Variables file

Publishing / Uploading Via Git Tag

Any git tag that gets merged up to staging will automatically deploy to Cloudfront using the git tag as the version number.


git commit -am 'My Recent updates'
git tag v2.0.2
git push --tags
# open merge request, will be uploaded after merged into staging
# IMPORTANT NOTE: The tag needs to be in the last commit before merge

Alternatively you can use npm version for version bumps. Ex:

git commit -am "My Recent updates"
npm version patch # minor 0.0.x version, (minor|major)
git push --tags

Upload Global CSS and Variables file (Deprecated, manual/local)

npm run upload

Once you run that, you pick a version to upload the files as, then it uploads the files and gives you the URLS to the global CSS stylesheet as well as the SASS variables file you need to include.

Note on upload: You must have your aws cli setup and your default zone set to us-east-1 (You can reconfigure your zone with aws configure)