
Tachyons, but marginally more coherent

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import saneTachyons from '';


Sane Tachyons

npm version

This is a fork of Tachyons. It is sane.

Therefore, it is called sane-tachyons.

It is small and mighty. The minified CSS file is just 9,267 bytes when gzipped. For comparisons sake, the latest Bootstrap is 22,990 bytes, and does much less.

Getting started

yarn add sane-tachyons # or `npm install sane-tachyons`
/* (optional) define project specific variables (see src/__variables.scss) */
$grid-columns: 12;

/* import sane-tachyons */
@import "~sane-tachyons/reset";
@import "~sane-tachyons/sane-tachyons";


Tachyons gives us:

  • Abbreviated, composable, simple, predictable class names
  • Massively reduced duplicate CSS
  • Mobile first approach
  • Reduced specificity issues
  • A sensible power of 2 spacing scale (..., 1rem, 2rem, 4rem, ...)
  • Everything in rem

Key changes are:

  • written in SCSS, with plenty of variables
    • including maps and lists 🌈
  • uses a custom reset rather than normalize
    • to encourage use of semantic (crawler/browser/human friendly) html elements
    • for example, <h1>Text</h1> looks the same as <p>Text</p> until classes such as .h1 or .normal are added, but search engine can tell the first is a title, potentially improving SEO
  • Just one breakpoint, l_ for large (large is a variable and so can be changed, and by default is >480px to target non-phones)
  • Adds a few utility classes that aren't included in tachyons
  • Fixes some god-awful parts of tachyons, like its approach to flexbox
  • Removes some strangely specific tachyons things, like colors and type scale, and replaces it with a more real-world setup
  • Assumes only supporting sane browsers (with exception of IE11)

Future stuff

Future probable changes are:

  • Fonts as scss variables
  • Toggle-able variable font support

Check out the docs!

(MIT Licence)