
A FP/Java streams/.NET LINQ/C++ Range library, based around ES6 iterators.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rillet from '';



Lazily evaluated ranges/streams/fp library built around ES6 generators

The Javascript Array class provide a number of methods that we typically associate with functional languages - filter/concat/forEach/etc. However, they're generally eagerly and exhaustively evaluated.

Rillet.js uses ES6 iterators to build these same methods in a lazily evaluated, streamable style, along the lines of .NET LINQ methods, Java 8 Streams, that kind of thing.


Rillet.js is available from npm

npm install rillet

Trivial Example

const from = require('rillet').from;

const array_or_other_iterable = fn();

        filter(n => n > 100).
        forEach(x => console.log(x));

More Involved Example

const rillet = require('./rillet.js');

const { of, zip, numbers } = rillet;

const fizzes = () => of('', '', 'Fizz').cycle();
const buzzes = () => of('', '', '', '', 'Buzz').cycle();
const words = () => zip(fizzes(), buzzes()).map(([f,b]) => `${f}${b}`)

const integers = () => numbers(1);

const fizzbuzz = (howMany) =>
        zip(words(), integers()).
        map(([w, n]) => !!w ? w : n).



Creation methods

  • Range.from(iterable) creates a Range from an array-like or other iterable object (similar to Array.from())
  • Range.of(...items) creates a Range with a variable number of arguments (similar to Array.of)
  • create a Range which returns a series of arrays, each containing the corresponding item from each iterables. E.g. given p, q, ... return [p[0], q[0]], [p[1], q[1]], ... The sequence terminates when any of the iterables is exhausted.
  • Range.numbers(start = 0, step = 1) creates a range of numbers, start, start + step, start + 2*step ...
  • Range.empty() create an empty Range - a new Range with no items. Directly equivalent to from([]) or of()

The returned range is an iterable object, and so can be used in all the places where Javascript accepts an iterable - eg for/of loop, etc


Each modifier method returns a new Range which can be iterated on, or modified with further chained operations.

  • Range.prototype.filter(predicate) filters the returned sequence so only those elements that pass the test that predicate implements.
  • returns the result of applying fn to each item in the sequence
  • Range.prototype.flatMap(fn) applies fn to each item in the sequence, then flattens the result into a new sequence
  • Range.prototype.take(count) returns only the first count items in the sequence
  • Range.prototype.takeWhile(predicate) returns items from the start of the sequence for as long as the predicate is true
  • Range.prototype.drop(count) discards the first count items of the sequence, and returns the remainder
  • Range.prototype.dropWhile(predicate) discards items from the start sequence for as long as the predicate is true, returning the remainder
  • Range.prototype.concat(...items) creates a lazily concatenated iterable who's elements are all the elements of the sequence followed by all the elements of items
  • Range.prototype.flat([depth]) flattens any iterables in the sequence, down to the depth given. The depth is optional and if omitted or is less that 1, it defaults to 1.
  • Range.prototype.flatten() flattens any iterables in the sequence, creating a new stream which is entirely flat
  • Range.prototype.uniq([fn]) filters duplicates from the stream. The projection fn is optional, defaulting to the identity function.
  • Range.prototype.compact() removes all falsey values from the stream - 0, false, null, undefined, '', NaN are all falsey.
  • Range.prototype.cycle() returns an infinite sequence, looping over the items in the stream.

Terminal methods

A terminal method drains the range producing a single result.

  • Range.prototype.reduce(bifn, [initial]) applies fn against an accumulator and each element in the sequence, to reduce to a single value. The optional initial is used as the first argument to the first call of fn. If no initial is given, the first element in the sequence is used. Calling reduce on an empty sequence without an initial value will throw

Strictly speaking, reduce is all you need. However, for readability and expressiveness, rillet.js provides a number of methods implementing common terminal operations

  • Range.prototype.forEach(fn) applies fn to each item in the sequence. Returns undefined
  • Range.prototype.count() returns the count of items in the sequence
  • Range.prototype.first() returns the first value in the sequence, or throws if the sequence is empty
  • Range.prototype.firstOrDefault(defaultValue) returns the first value in the sequence, or the defaultValue if the sequence is empty
  • Range.prototype.last() returns the last value in the sequence, or throws if the sequence is empty. Will never return if the sequence is unbounded.
  • Range.prototype.lastOrDefault(defaultValue) returns the last value in the sequence, or the defaultValue if the sequence is empty.
  • Range.prototype.max([comparator]) finds the maximum item of the stream, according to the provided comparator. If no comparator is provided, it defaults to (item, currentmax) => item > currentmax. Returns undefined if the sequence is empty.
  • Range.prototype.min([comparator]) finds the minimum item of the stream, according to the provided comparator. If no comparator is provided, it defaults to (item, currentmax) => item < currentmax. Returns undefined if the sequence is empty.
  • Range.prototype.sum() calculates the arithmetic sum of the items in the sequence, calling Number(x) on each item. The sum of the empty range is 0.
  • Range.prototype.none(predicate) returns true if none of the items in the sequence match the predicate, and false otherwise
  • Range.prototype.every(predicate) returns true if all of the items in the sequence match the predicate, and false otherwise
  • Range.prototype.some(predicate) returns true if one or more of the items in the sequence match the predicate, and false otherwise
  • Range.prototype.join(separator) join all the items in the sequence into a string, using the provided separator. If the separator is not given, the items are separated with a comma.
  • Range.prototype.toArray() gathers all the items in the sequence into an array.

In the notes above,

  • fn has the form x => operation(x), where operation returns a value
  • bifn has the form (x,y) => operation(x, y), where operation returns a value
  • predicate has the form x => test(x), where test returns a boolean
  • comparator has the form (x,y) => compare(x, y), where compare returns true if the comparison of x and y succeeds. E.g. a comparate function less_then(x, y) would return true if x was less that y, and false otherwise.
  • where a method has the same name and form as a method on Array, it will exhibit the same behaviour


A rillet is small rill. What's a rill? A very small brook. A brook? It's a small stream.

Every other stream related name was already taken on npm and this library is only a very small library, hence rillet.


Copyright (c) 2017 JezUK Ltd

Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.