
ReX React UI Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rexBlockquote from '';


ReX React UI Components Library

ReX React UI Component: rex-blockquote

This project is part of ReX Design Language and it can be used to create React UI Components.
For more information visit:



How it was built

  1. Build tool: webpack 4
  2. Codebase: Fork of Bootstrap project + ReX custom styles
  3. Css engine: Sass
  4. JavaScript component: React

How to install

npm install rex-blockquote@1.2.0 --save

What you can do

Any copy from external sources needs to be marked as a quote, but not all quotes need to use the blockquotes style. Use blockqoutes when you want to draw the attention of the customer.

This component have an integration to ReX Icons to render the quotes assets.

Live examples

For a complete guide of properties for React and HTML classes please visit the Storybook site:

JavaScript modules

React component (JavaScript + CSS Styles)

For plug and play components integration.


import 'rex-core'; // ReX Core dependency
import Blockquote from 'rex-blockquote';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <Blockquote>Without dreams, we stop moving forward. Dreams are the fuel poweing our lives, businesses, and societies.</Blockquote>

CSS Styles only

For your own JavaScript integration (React, Vue, Angular, etc.) or Static HTML.


import 'rex-core/css'; // ReX Core dependency
import 'rex-blockquote/css';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <p>Without dreams, we stop moving forward. Dreams are the fuel poweing our lives, businesses, and societies.</p>

Static HTML

Add it from our CDN into your HTML template or HTML static page.

For development mode:

<!-- ReX Core -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- rex-blockquote -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

For production mode:

<!-- ReX Core -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- rex-blockquote -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


<div class="rex-css-style my-component">
    <p>Without dreams, we stop moving forward. Dreams are the fuel poweing our lives, businesses, and societies.</p>

Javascript and React related documents

Take a look to this nice documentation pages to be more familiar with React and modern Javascript:

Official site

Google Web Fundamentals (the whole site is a must to read)

Webpack as magic bundler

Composing Software series (how to understand Funcional Programming)

Common React patterns

Understanding Storybook with nice images

Some guidelines for clean code