A flexible and customizable navigation bar with support for claim authorization.
npm install --save reactjs-navbar
Try out the navbar by opening both this and this.
Below is a comprehensive example of how to use the component. Details are further explained afterwards.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Navbar from "reactjs-navbar";
import logo from "./logo.png";
import Loader from "react-loader-spinner";
import {
faCogs /*...*/,
} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import "reactjs-navbar/dist/index.css";
class App extends Component {
state = {
isLoading: false,
render() {
return (
loader={<Loader type="Puff" color="#D85B5B" height={25} width={25} />}
helpCallback={() => {
alert("I need help... and coffee...");
title: "Administration",
icon: faUsers,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
alert("Its coffee time...");
title: "Transactions",
icon: faBookOpen,
isAuth: () => {
// Claim authorization logic...
return false;
title: "Networks",
icon: faGlobe,
isAuth: true,
title: "Settings",
icon: faCogs,
isAuth: true,
subItems: [
title: "Subitem 1",
icon: faAnchor,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
alert("I need another cup of coffee...");
title: "Subitem 2",
icon: faDizzy,
isAuth: true,
subItems: [
{ title: "Subitem 2-1", icon: faAdjust, isAuth: true },
title: "Subitem 2-2",
icon: faBell,
isAuth: true,
subItems: [
title: "Subitem 2-2-1",
icon: faGhost,
isAuth: true,
subItems: [
title: "Subitem 2-2-2-1",
icon: faFan,
isAuth: true,
title: "Subitem 2-2-2-2",
icon: faCarSide,
isAuth: true,
title: "Subitem 2-2-2-3",
icon: faJedi,
isAuth: true,
title: "Subitem 2-2-2-4",
icon: faLaughBeam,
isAuth: true,
title: "Subitem 2-2-2",
icon: faKey,
isAuth: true,
title: "Make request",
icon: faCheese,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
this.setState({ isLoading: true }, () =>
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ isLoading: false });
}, 3000)
title: "Subitem 3",
icon: faWater,
isAuth: () => {
// Claim authorization logic...
return false;
title: "Reports",
icon: faChartPie,
isAuth: true,
The above will give you some thing like this:
The logo is an image object or an URL and it is optional, exclude the logo prop to remove it.
import logo from "./logo.png";
/* ... */
/* ... */
The loader will show up when isLoading prop is true and will stop when it is false. The loader is also optional. If no custom loader specified using the loader prop, the navbar will fall back to its default loader.
import Loader from "react-loader-spinner";
/* ... */
loader={<Loader type="Puff" color="#D85B5B" height={25} width={25} />}
/* ... */
The helper appears at the right of the navbar, when clicked, the helpCallback function prop is executed. The helper is optional and can be removed by removing the helpCallback prop.
/* ... */
helpCallback={() => {
alert("I need help... and coffee...");
/* ... */
Menu Items
The menu items array consists of all the main menu, sub menus and sub-sub menus items of the navbar. For an item to have sub items, a similar array should be passed as a prop to this item. Each prop is as follows:
/* ... */
title: "Administration",
icon: faUsers,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
alert("Its coffee time...");
/* ... */
Title and Icon
What will be shown as the item text. The icon is a font awesome object, please see the dependencies section for more information about font awesome.
import { faUsers } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
/* ... */
title: "Administration",
icon: faUsers
/* ... */
Claim Authorization
Depending on isAuth value, the navbar will decide if this item will be rendered or not. This is useful if your application implements claim authorization or sometimes called role-based authorization. By passing a function which returns true or false, the navbar will evaluate the function and decide if the item will be render or not. Set to true to show the item, false to hide it.
/* ... */
isAuth: () => {
// Claim authorization logic...
return false;
/* ... */
Item Action
The onClick prop is function that will be executed when the item is clicked upon.
/* ... */
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
alert("Its coffee time...");
/* ... */
Sub Items
An item can have a similar array as its own prop to render its own sub menu.
/* ... */
title: "Settings",
icon: faCogs,
isAuth: true,
subItems: [
title: "Subitem 1",
icon: faAnchor,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
alert("I need another cup of coffee...");
// More items ...
title: "Make request",
icon: faCheese,
isAuth: true,
onClick: () => {
// What you want to do...
this.setState({ isLoading: true }, () =>
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ isLoading: false });
}, 3000)
/* ... */
CSS Customization
To customize the navbar, you can override the styles by using a local .css file. The navbar isolates the most common styles as CSS variables. I recommened changing them for best results.
- Create a local .css file.
- Add the :root pseudo-class.
- Override the varaiables.
:root {
--pcol: black;
--scol: green;
--tspeed: 0.5s;
--base-scale: 1.1;
--subMenu-width: 12.25rem;
--fgrad: linear-gradient(
rgba(51, 51, 51, 1) 16%,
rgb(136, 44, 44) 52%,
rgba(51, 51, 51, 1) 88%
--sgrad: linear-gradient(
rgba(51, 51, 51, 1) 16%,
rgb(129, 28, 129) 76%,
rgba(51, 51, 51, 1) 100%
--rm-font-size: 0.875rem;
--sm-font-size: 0.65rem;
CSS Variables
Name | Description |
--pcol | Primary Color - Main theme color |
--scol | Secondary Color - Secondary theme color |
--tspeed | Transition Speed - How fast transitions happen |
--base-scale | Base Scale - How large elements gets when hovered on |
--subMenu-width | Width of sub menus and sub-sub menus |
--fgrad | First Gradient - Gradient of the navbar when not hovering on it |
--sgrad | Second Gradient - Gradient of the navbar when hovering on it |
--rm-font-size | Root Menu Font Size - Font size of the main menu |
--sm-font-size | Sub Menu Font Size - Font size of the sub menu and sub-sub menus |