react-virtualized-menu-tree is used for rendering large tree structures. It is built on top of the react-vtree library.
Try the demo first, enjoy it.
Notice: This library rewrites some features of react-vtree
, such as styles
、 behaves
. It is lightweight and simplifies usage and beautifies looks. Especially, this library is more suited to large-scale menu-tree scenarios
npm i react-virtualized-menu-tree
Demo source codes are put in library path example/src/app.js
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import VirtualizedMenuTree from 'react-virtualized-menu-tree';
import 'react-virtualized-menu-tree/lib/css/style.css';
const tree = {
name: 'Root #1',
id: 'root-1',
children: [
children: [
{id: 'child-2', name: 'Child #2'},
{id: 'child-3', name: 'Child #3'},
{id: 'child-6', name: 'Child #6'},
{id: 'child-7', name: 'Child #7'},
{id: 'child-8', name: 'Child #8'},
{id: 'child-9', name: 'Child #9'},
{id: 'child-10', name: 'Child #10'},
{id: 'child-11', name: 'Child #11'},
{id: 'child-12', name: 'Child #12'},
{id: 'child-13', name: 'Child #13'},
{id: 'child-14', name: 'Child #142222222222222222'},
{id: 'child-15', name: 'Child #15'},
{id: 'child-16', name: 'Child #16'},
id: 'child-1',
name: 'Child #1',
children: [{id: 'child-5', name: 'Child #5'}],
id: 'child-4',
name: 'Child #4',
children: [
{id: 'child-22', name: 'Child #22'},
{id: 'child-23', name: 'Child #23'},
{id: 'child-26', name: 'Child #26'},
{id: 'child-27', name: 'Child #27'},
{id: 'child-28', name: 'Child #28'},
{id: 'child-29', name: 'Child #29'},
{id: 'child-210', name: 'Child #210'},
{id: 'child-211', name: 'Child #211'},
{id: 'child-212', name: 'Child #212'},
{id: 'child-213', name: 'Child #213'},
{id: 'child-214', name: 'Child #214'},
{id: 'child-215', name: 'Child #215'},
{id: 'child-216', name: 'Child #216'},
id: 'child-21',
name: 'Child #21',
const App = () => <VirtualizedMenuTree clickNodeCallback={(e,params) => {console.log(e, params)}}
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
1. treeData
Data format please referen demo source codes.
2. itemSize
Default: 30 (px)
TreeData item size is controlled by itemSize
, so you could set you self-defined item size.
This library is based on 'FixedSizeTree' of 'react-vtree'.
3. width & height
Default: 100%
Default: 500 (px)
Notice : height must be number
4. clickNodeCallback
Default: null
will be invoked when you click any node in menu tree, and passing event
、node info
params to the callback function.
5. toggleUpIcon & toggleDownIcon
<span className={'node-toggle-icon'}>+</span>
<span className={'node-toggle-icon'}>-</span>
You could pass self-defined React Node
or String
to replace them.
6. isOpenByDefault
Default: true
Menu tree default open all children node. If you want change it, just pass false
to close all opened children.
7. treeWalker
An iterator function that walks around the tree and yields each node one by one flattening them to an array that can be easily displayed by FixedSizeList component.
Notice : more detail please visit react-vtree.
If you want pass more props please visit `react-vtree` npm website.