
React typing animation based on typical.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactTypeAnimation from '';



Customizable React typing animation component.


npm install react-type-animation

Requires a react and react-dom version of at least 15.0.0.

Live Demo

A live demo can be found at:


import TypeAnimation from 'react-type-animation';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      sequence={['React typing animation based on typical', 1000, '']}

Important Usage Notes ⚠

Hot-Reload Bug

When using hot-reload, the type animation will most likely be bugged until you hard-reload the page. Until this issue is resolved, you need to hard-reload the page after ever code change in order to see the animation in a non-bugged state.


In order to prevent layout shift caused by the type animation's text HTML-element expanding, you need to either wrap the TextAnimation component in a div that has a fixed width/height which is wider than the maximum expansion of the TypeAnimation element, or make that wrapper div's position absolute.


Prop Required Type Example Description
sequence yes array[] ['One', 1000, 'Two'] Animation sequence: TEXT followed by DELAY-IN-MS
wrapper no string p,h2,div HTML elements that Animation is wrapped around
repeat no number 3, Infinity Amount of animation repetitions
cursor no boolean false, true Display blinking cursor css-animation
className no string custom-class-name HTML class name applied to the wrapper to style the text

Custom Cursor Animation

If you want to apply a custom cursor animation, set the cursor prop to false (which prevents any default css-styles from being applied) and set a custom className prop to the TypeAnimation component with your own css styles.

These are the base styles for the cursor animation:

.type::after {
  content: '|';
  animation: cursor 1.1s infinite step-start;

@keyframes cursor {
  50% {
    opacity: 0;

If you want to modify the styles, simply make a styles.css file, copy and modify the styles and pass the prop className="type" to apply the custom styles.

If you would like the cursor to stop after a specific time, consider using a JSX styling library which lets you define CSS dynamically within your JSX Component, or simply replace infnite with a static finite number (like 2s) inside your custom css file.