A basic tree file system that allows customisation
- custom CSS and classNames
- drag and drop available
- demo available
1 Demo
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.0.6
You can also try out here
2 Get Started
# To download, either
npm install --save react-tree-file-system
# or
yarn add react-tree-file-system
In your code
import Tree from 'react-tree-file-system';
// import stylesheet
import 'react-tree-file-system/index.css';
Uncontrolled component
- you can toggle folder to open or close by using recursion
const recursiveSetState = (tree, indexes, currIndex, key, value) => {
const dupTree= tree.slice();
const getIndex = indexes[currIndex];
if (currIndex === indexes.length - 1) {
dupTree[getIndex][key] = value;
return tree;
dupTree[getIndex].children = recursiveSetState(
(dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0),
currIndex + 1, key, value
return dupTree;
// ...
class YourClass extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
treeValue: [
title: 'folder name'
type: 'folder',
children: [
title: 'child 1'
title: 'child 2'
title: 'child 3'
render() {
return (
// ...
folderOnClick={(_, indexes, state) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
treeValue: recursiveSetState(prevState.treeValue, indexes, 0, 'isOpen', state);
// ...
- you can support on drag with recursion
const recursivelySetChild = (tree, toIndexes, currIndex, extractData) => {
const dupTree= tree.slice();
const getIndex = toIndexes[currIndex];
if (currIndex === toIndexes.length - 1) {
return tree;
dupTree[getIndex].children = recursivelySetChild((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), toIndexes, currIndex + 1, extractData);
return dupTree;
const getRecursiveItem = (tree, fromIndexes, currIndex) => {
const dupTree = tree.slice(0);
const getIndex = fromIndexes[currIndex];
if(currIndex === fromIndexes.length - 1) {
const child = dupTree.filter((_, i) => i === getIndex);
return child[0];
return getRecursiveItem((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), fromIndexes, currIndex + 1);
const popRecursiveItem = (tree, fromIndexes, currIndex) => {
const dupTree = tree.slice(0);
const getIndex = fromIndexes[currIndex];
if(currIndex === fromIndexes.length - 1) {
const filtered = dupTree.filter((_, i) => i !== getIndex);
return filtered;
const children = popRecursiveItem((dupTree[getIndex].children || []).slice(0), fromIndexes, currIndex + 1);
dupTree[getIndex].children = children;
return dupTree;
// ...
class YourClass extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
treeValue: [
title: 'folder name'
type: 'folder',
children: [
title: 'child 1'
title: 'child 2'
title: 'child 3'
render() {
return (
// ...
onDrag={(fromIndexes, toIndexes) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
const extractData = getRecursiveItem(prevState.defaultTree, fromIndexes, 0);
const extraData = recursivelySetChild(prevState.defaultTree, toIndexes, 0, extractData);
const newData = popRecursiveItem(prevState.defaultTree, fromIndexes, 0);
return {
defaultTree: newData
// ...
4 Tree Structure
// Node
interface Node {
title: string,
isOpen?: boolean,
// isLocked?: boolean, // No support yet
// isHidden?: boolean, // No support yet
children?: Node[],
folderIcon?: React.Element,
fileIcon?: React.Element,
style?: React.CSSProperties,
className?: string,
// able to add anything here
// Example
title: 'main', // what is displayed
isOpen: false, // optional
type: 'folder',
folderIcon: <FolderIcon /> // optional
children: [
title: 'Child 1',
title: '',
fileIcon: <FileIcon />, // optional
text: 'demo text'
// ... repeat Node
Property | Description | Type | Default |
value | The Tree structure given in point 4 | Node[] | undefined |
fileOnClick | Called when file is clicked | (event, indexes: number[], value: Node) => void | undefined |
folderOnClick | Called when folder is clicked | (event, indexes: number[], state: boolean, value: Node) => void | undefined |
onDrop | Called when something is dragged on folder [Replace onDrag] | (event, fromIndexes, toIndexes) => void | undefined |
onDrag | Called when something is dragged on folder [Depreciated] | (event, fromIndexes, toIndexes) => void | undefined |
folderIcon | Replace the default folder icon | JSX.Element | undefined |
fileIcon | Replace the default file icon | JSX.Element | undefined |
style | customize the general style | React.CSSProperties | undefined |
isDraggable | customize the general style | React.CSSProperties | false |
selected | Enable highlighting of cell clicked. Basically just store the indexes as indexes.join(',') | string | undefined |
selectedClassName | customize the highlighted style with your own className | string | undefined |