
A flexible time range selector for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactTimeRangeAdapted from '';



A simple react component for selecting start and end time ranges, with validation.

If you need to adjust days and months, and not specifically time, you can pass in your own calendar components as children so that they appear beside each of the time selector drop-downs.

alt text


npm install react-time-range


  • React.JS
  • Moment.JS


import TimeRange from 'react-time-range';
import moment from 'moment';


Component Props

Property Type Default Description
use24Hours bool false Select drop-downs display 12 hour or 24 hour time.
startLabel string "Start:" Text label that appears before the start time select drop-down.
endLabel string "End:" Text label that appears before the end time select drop-down.
startMoment string undefined A moment ISO 8601 time string representing the start time.
endMoment string undefined A moment ISO 8601 time string representing the end time.
minuteIncrement Number 30 Defines the increments in time that should appear in the drop-down menus. Increments must be one of the following 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 minutes.
fixedLastMinuteIncrement String "" Appends a fixed minute value for the last hour of the day in drop-down menus. Values must be from 1 to 59 minutes.
sameIsValid boolean true If both the start and end times are the same, this may or may not be considered a valid time range.
className string undefined Prop for handling custom styling of the component.
onClick function undefined Return function that is called when one of the time drop-down menus is clicked.
onChange function undefined Return function that is called when one of the values in the time drop-down menu changes.
showErrors boolean true Display an error message when the input times are considered invalid.
equalTimeError string "Please enter a valid time. Start and End times cannot be equal." Error string that is rendered when both start and time values are the same, and this is considered invalid when sameIsValid={true}
endTimeError string "Please enter a valid time. End time cannot be before start time." Error string that is rendered when the selected end time occurs before the start time.
onStartTimeClick function undefined Return function that is called when the start time drop-down menu is clicked.
onStartTimeChange function undefined Return function that is called when the start time drop-down value is changed.
onEndTimeClick function undefined Return function that is called when the end time drop-down menu is clicked.
onEndTimeChange function undefined Return function that is called when the end time drop-down value is changed.