
Tiny helper for debugging React props changes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactPropLog from '';



A simple React performance and debugging helper. Drop into a component and monitor props changes in the console.


npm i --save-dev react-prop-log


propLog is a function that'll wrap a component and log any props changes whenever the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method executes. propLog is a higher-order component (HOC) so you'll add it similarly to Redux's connect.

import { propLog } from 'react-prop-log';
/* -- Your component code here  -- */
export default propLog(YourComponentName);

To ensure you see all props changes when debugging, make sure propLog is the innermost function if your component is nested in multiple HOCs.

// do this
export default exampleHOC(anotherExampleHOC(propLog(YourComponentName)));

// not this
export default propLog(exampleHOC(anotherExampleHOC(YourComponentName)));

logChangedProps is the actual logger, and can be imported separately for greater control on where in the React lifecycle it is triggered. It expects a new set of props & your component instance.

import { logChangedProps } from 'react-prop-log';

class YourComponent extends React.Component {
  /* -- Your component code here  -- */
  componentDidUpdate(nextProps) {
    logChangedProps(nextProps, this);
  /* -- Your component code here  -- */

export default YourComponent;


See CONTRIBUTING for information on working with the codebase.