Simple wordcloud generator for react-native. Renders a word cloud made of circles in a canvas inside a webview. Uses react-native-webview and react-native-canvas.
npm i react-native-webview
cd ios && pod install //this should automatically link react-native-webview in RN >=0.60
react-native link react-native-webview //if automatic linking doesn't work or you are using RN <0.60
npm i react-native-word-cloud
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Cloud from 'react-native-word-cloud';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Cloud keywords={keywordsArray} scale={250} largestAtCenter={true} drawContainerCircle={true} containerCircleColor={'#345678'}/>
- keywords : array of keyword objects. Each keyword object should be of type
keyword: "word1", // the actual keyword
frequency: 123, // the frequency of this keyword
color: "#121234" // the color of the circle that shows this keyword
scale : number which determines the scaling of the circles. Play around with it to find out which value gives you the size you need. Defaults to 250
largestAtCenter : boolean which determines whether the largest circles should be concentrated towards the center of the cloud or vice versa. Defaults to true
drawContainerCircle : boolean which determines whether or not to draw a container circle around the word cloud. Defaults to false
containerCircleColor : fill color for the container circle. Defaults to '#FF000030'
- Example with largestAtCenter=true and drawContainerCircle=false
- Example with largestAtCenter=false and drawContainerCircle=false
- Example with largestAtCenter=true and drawContainerCircle=true
- Example with largestAtCenter=false and drawContainerCircle=true