
Cross-platform scroll picker

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeValuePicker from '';



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Cross-Platform iOS style picker for react native.

Small, Performant

The Native picker on Android is a modal / dropdown design which is vastly different from the native iOS picker. In my current project we wanted a design more similar to the iOS native picker, and thus I created this Scroll Picker as a replacement on Android, but it works equally well on iOS for instance as an alternative to @react-native-community/picker native iOS picker module.


Basic Example Bottom Sheet Example
basic example Bottom Sheet Example

Install into project

yarn add react-native-value-picker

import and usage

import {ScrollPicker} from 'react-native-value-picker';


          // We need to tell the picker the current picked value
          // The picker is a pure component so we need to tell it
          // what data it needs to subscribe to, otherwise it won't
          // re-render
          // The array of objects which makes up the list
          // Callback function to update the picked value
          // Changes the text color in the list
          // Changes color of the row separator in the list
          // Changes color of the text of the picked item in the list


Picker List Data Structure

the list prop requires an array of Objects according to the below structure.

  • value: the API value
  • label: the text rendered into the picker list.
export const MOCK_DATA = [
    value: 1,
    label: 'Number 1',
    value: 2,
    label: 'Number 2',
    value: 15,
    label: 'Number 15',
    value: 16,
    label: 'Number 16',

Run the examples Locally

Clone project

git clone

move into the examples folder.

cd react-native-value-picker && cd examples

in examples root


iOS Install pods and go back to examples root

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Run react native

yarn run ios

Android run react native in examples root

yarn run android

ScrollPicker Props

Prop Description
currentValue Tells the picker the current picked value
extraData The underlying RN component which creates the list is FlatList. Which means, as a FlatList it is a pure component and won't re-render, unless it subscribes to a piece of data that will trigger a re-render.
list The array of objects which makes up the list. Each Object in the Array needs to have a value-field, and a label-field. Value is the API value which the developer needs to user to pick. Label is the verbose friendly String which is displayed to the user.
onItemPress Callback which get's executed when user presses an Item in the picker list.
labelColor Changes the un-picked text color of the Items in the list
separatorColor Changes color of the separator lines between the Items in the list.
selectedColor Changes the picked Item text color

Example Code


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {View, Text, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

import {ScrollPicker} from 'react-native-value-picker';

import {MOCK_DATA} from './mockData';

function BasicExample() {
  const [pickedValue, setPickedValue] = useState(7);

  return (
    <View style={styles.Container}>
      <Text style={styles.Title}>Basic Example</Text>
      <Text>Current Value Picked: {pickedValue}</Text>

      <View style={styles.PickerContainer}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 22, textAlign: 'center'}}>
        We can customize the look by setting the labelColor, separatorColor and
        selectedColor props
      <View style={styles.PickerContainer}>
          // We need to tell the picker the current picked value
          // The picker is a pure component so we need to tell it
          // what data it needs to subscribe to, otherwise it won't
          // re-render
          // The array of objects which makes up the list
          // Callback function to update the picked value
          // Changes the text color in the list
          // Changes color of the row separator in the list
          // Changes color of the text of the picked item in the list

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
... see example file for styles ...

export default BasicExample;

Bottom Sheet Example

Note: The bottom sheet component is not included in the package. I'm using react-native-raw-bottom-sheet

import React, {useRef, useState} from 'react';
import {View, Text, Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
import RBSheet from 'react-native-raw-bottom-sheet';

import {ScrollPicker} from 'react-native-value-picker';

import {MOCK_DATA} from './mockData';

function BottomSheetExample() {
  const [pickedValue, setPickedValue] = useState(7);
  const refRBSheet = useRef();

  return (
    <View style={styles.Container}>


          draggableIcon: {
            backgroundColor: '#000',
          container: {
            borderRadius: 12,
        {/* Start of Scroll Picker */}
            The underlying FlatList is not wrapped with a View.
            So to align it in the sheet I wrap the picker and control
            the positioning. I like that approach because devs has full control
            over how the picker is placed & aligned.
        <View style={styles.SheetView}>
            // We need to tell the picker the current picked value
            // The picker is a pure component so we need to tell it
            // what data it needs to subscribe to, otherwise it won't
            // re-render
            // The array of objects which makes up the list
            // Callback function to update the picked value
        {/* End of Scroll Picker */}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
... see the example file for styles ...

export default BottomSheetExample;