
A very cool reusable swipe up scrollview compoenent for React Native.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeSwipeupScrollview from '';


React Native SwipeUp ScrollView

A very cool scrollview that reproduces the iOS Stocks App popup view.



iOS Stocks App

It can also be seen in Apple Maps and other stock iOS apps.


Prop Default Type Description
stops [100, 400, Dimensions.Height-100] array The snap points at which the modal will come to rest. Recommend at most three, two works as well.
topCornerRadius 20 number The corner radius applied to the top left and top right corners of the wrapper.
showTopButton true boolean Controls whether to show the tiny button up top.
topButtonStyle null object Customize the style of the top button. Currently it is a low opacity 'black' with a pill shape.
wrapperStyle null object Customize the style of the animated view (wrapper) that contains the actual scrollview.

Scroll View

As of version 0.2.0, the style prop will be passed on to the main scrollview as well.

The main view is a React Native scrollview, so you can customize it using any scrollview props.