
A customizable animated checkbox component for React Native

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCheckboxAnimated from '';



A customizable animated checkbox component for React Native

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  • About
  • Install
  • Usage
  • Props
  • Contribute
  • License
  • About

    A customizable animated checkbox component for React Native. No extra library required.


    $ npm install --save react-native-checkbox-animated
    $ yarn add react-native-checkbox-animated


    // ... Imports
    import React, { useState } from "react";
    import Checkbox from "react-native-checkbox-animated";
    const App = () => {
      const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
      return (
            label="your label here"
            onValueChange={val => setChecked(val)}

    Checkout examples.js for the above examples.


    Property Description Required Type Default Value
    checked Current state of the checkBox true boolean false
    onValueChange Callback when checkbox is pressed. Return checkbox state true function => boolean -
    size Specify the size of the checkBox false number 20
    label Text or React Component that follows the checkbox false string / React Component Your label here
    touchableLabel Specify if state of checkbox changes when label is pressed false boolean true
    checkedBackgroundColor Specify the color of checkbox's background when it's checked false string #22cdf0
    unCheckedBackgroundColor Specify the color of checkbox's background when it's not checked false string white
    checkedBorderColor Specify the color of checkbox's border when it's checked false string grey
    unCheckedBorderColor Specify the color of checkbox's border when it's not checked false string transparent
    borderWidth Border width of checkbox false number 1
    rippleEffect Specify if label has ripple effect on press when touchableLabel is set to true false boolean true
    rippleColor Specify the color of ripple effect when it is set to true false string black
    checkPosition Specify the position where the checkbox will be rendered false enum('left' | 'right') left
    checkBoxRadius Specify the radius of the checkbox false number 20% of size
    rounded Set the shape of the checkbox to be rounded instead of a square false boolean false
    checkMarkSize Specify the size of the checkbox false number 15
    checkMarkColor Specify the color of the default checkmark false string black
    animationType Specify the custom animation type false enum('scale' | 'left' | 'reveal') scale
    checkStyle Text styles props applied to the checkmark character false TextStyle {}
    labelStyle Text styles props applied to your label false TextStyle {}
    labelContainerStyle View styles props applied to label container false ViewStyle {}
    containerStyle View styles props applied to the main container false ViewStyle {}
    checkboxContainerStyle View styles props applied to the container that wraps the checkbox false ViewStyle { padding: 10 }
    boxStyle View styles props applied to the box that wraps the checkmark. false ViewStyle {}
    customMarker Replace the checkmark for your custom checkmark false ReactNode -


    Contributions are welcome. Please open up an issue or create PR if you would like to help out.

    Note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


    Licensed under the MIT License.