
A simple scrollview where you can add anchors to go directly to the point the anchor is placed

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeAnchrableScrollview from '';



A simple component that allow you to put anchors inside any children of a scrollview to directly go to its position.

  • Each component accepts props of the initial react-native component
  • Typescript support

Works for both Android & IOS


View demo on


If using yarn:

$ yarn add react-native-anchrable-scrollview

If using npm:

$ npm i react-native-anchrable-scrollview

List of components

  • AnchrableScrollView which is a component based on react-native Scrollview that calculates positions of Anchors inside and provide a goToAnchorfunction
  • Anchorwhich is a component base on react-native View component
  • HeaderAnchors which is a horizontal scrollview including buttons for each anchor inside the AnchrableScrollView


import AnchrableScrollView, { Anchor } from 'react-native-anchrable-scrollview'

Wrap all your anchors component inside one top parent AnchrableScrollView component, and give a name to each anchor.

The AnchrableScrollView component will look for all Anchors components inside itself recursively. Then you can put an anchor whereever you want in the component tree, as long as the top parent is an AnchrableScrollView

Basic Usage
  • Create a ref for the scrollView
  • Create an array of refs for the anchors
  • useCallback on the provided function goToAnchor
function App() {
  // Ref of the scrollView
  const ref = React.useRef();

  //Array representing anchors
  const anchorsRef = [
   {name: "#1", label: "My first section", ref: React.createRef()},
   {name: "#2", label: "Second veryyyyyyyy long section", ref: React.createRef()},
   {name: "#3", label: "Third section", ref: React.createRef()}

  const goToAnchor = React.useCallback(name => ref.current?.goToAnchor?.(name), [ref?.current])

  return (
    <View style={{marginTop: 50}}>
      <Button onPress={() => goToAnchor("#1")} title={anchorsRef[0].label}/>
      <Button onPress={() => goToAnchor("#2")} title={anchorsRef[1].label}/>
      <Button onPress={() => goToAnchor("#3")} title={anchorsRef[2].label}/>
         <Anchor name={anchorsRef[0].name} ref={anchorsRef[0].ref} style={{height: 1000, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'green'}}/>
         <Anchor name={anchorsRef[1].name} ref={anchorsRef[1].ref} style={{height: 1000, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'green'}}/>
        <Anchor name={anchorsRef[2].name} ref={anchorsRef[2].ref} style={{height: 1000, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'green'}}/>
Better Usage
  • Map throw the anchorsRef array to make section with anchors.
  • Use HeaderAnchors component to have as many buttons as anchors
import AnchrableScrollView, { Anchor, HeaderAnchors } from 'react-native-anchrable-scrollview'

function App() {
  const ref = React.useRef();
  const anchorsRef = [
   {name: "#1", label: "My first section", ref: React.createRef()},
   {name: "#2", label: "Second veryyyyyyyy long section", ref: React.createRef()}
  const anchor =  {name: "#3", label: "Third section", ref: React.createRef()}

  const goToAnchor = React.useCallback(name => ref.current?.goToAnchor?.(name), [ref?.current])

  return (
    <View style={{marginTop: 50}}>
      anchors={[...anchorsRef, anchor]}
      {, index) => (
          <View key={`${index}`}>
          <View style={{
            height: 700,
            borderWidth: 1,
            borderColor: 'red',
            justifyContent: 'space-between'
            <Text>Here I am</Text>
            <Text>Here I am</Text>
      <Anchor name={} ref={anchor.ref} style={{height: 1000, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'green'}}/>




Name Description Details Type
ref Ref of the container: React.useRef() required React.RefObject
children Children pass inside the scrollview required React.ReactNode
Accepts any props of the ScrollView Component of react-native


Name Description Details
goToAnchor function provided to move to a specific anchor specifying the name params: anchorName
The ref contains the reference of the actual scrollView
You can access all method of standard ScrollView with



Name Description Details Type
name Name to identify the anchor required string
ref Ref of the container: React.createRef() required React.RefObject
children Children pass inside the view not required React.ReactNode



Name Description Details Type
anchors Array of anchors declared above required array
goToAnchor callback to specify how to go to an anchor required Func
tagStyle Button container style optional any
tagTextStyle Style of the text inside a button optional any
Accepts any props of the ScrollView Component of react-native


This hook will provide you the set of measurements for Each anchors. It will return a Map with:

  • key: the name of the anchor
  • value: the measurement of that anchor (x, y, height, width)

Basic Usage

    const { children } = props
    const _scrollView = React.useRef<ScrollView>(null)
    const anchorsMeasurements = useAnchorsMeasurements(children, _scrollView, [])


Name Description Details Type
children The childrens you want to look for Anchors required React.ReactNode
parentContainer The very top container which is the scrollView required React.RefObject
deps dependencies to recalculates measurements when deps are changing optional any


Pull requests are always welcome! Feel free to open a new GitHub issue for any changes that can be made. Keep it simple. Keep it minimal. Don't put every single feature just because you can.

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Authors or Acknowledgments

  • Vincent Riamon


This project is licensed under the MIT License