
A react loading indicator displayed globally or locally or both, which interoperate with each other

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactLoadingSignal from '';



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A React loading indicator displayed globally or locally or both, which interoperate with each other.

Online Demo >>

spinning circling progress


  • Configurate global loading signal once for all (usually in ajax layer), and add any local loading signals anywhere, which could intercept global one, or not based on your needs.

  • Simple extendability to supply custom themes.

  • Support React 15.


npm install react-loading-signal


Take GlobalLoadingas example

es module

import { GlobalLoading } from 'react-loading-signal';

commonjs module

const GlobalLoading = require('react-loading-signal').GlobalLoading;

bundled version

import { GlobalLoading } from 'react-loading-signal/bundle';


const GlobalLoading = require('react-loading-signal/bundle').GlobalLoading;

or in global scope:

const GlobalLoading = LoadingSignal.GlobalLoading;

bundled minified version

Substitute 'bundle' with 'bundle.min'.


// ajax layer
import { GlobalLoading, LocalLoading } from 'react-loading-signal';
const gLoading = new GlobalLoading();

// to change the global loading signal style, create a new one:
// new GlobalLoading(theme, true, true);

function request(url) {
  const idLoading =;

  // pass idLoading to LocalLoading, take redux for example:
  // dispatch({ type: url, loading: idLoading })

    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json();
    }, () => {})
    .then(function() {

// local loading signal
<LocalLoading active={idLoading} />


Builtin themes

  • Spinning
  • Blobs
  • Circling
  • Progress
import { Themes } from 'react-loading-signal';
const { Spinning, Blobs, Circling, Progress } = Themes;

Customize theme

Any valid React Component can be used as a theme. It will receive any props that's passed to LocalLoading.


In bundled version, Classes are all prepended with LoadingSignal__. Details please refer to /styles/LoadingSignal.css. (src/styles/LoadingSignal.css in source code.)


Table of Contents


This class is singleton internally, But could be created more than once. Exactly that is the only correct way to change the global loading signal styles on the fly.


  • theme React.ComponentType<any> Customized theme. (optional, default Spinning)
  • masked bool Whether to display overlay below. (optional, default false)
  • closable bool Whether the signal can be closed by clicking the mask. (optional, default false)


Open global loading signal


  • msg React.Node? Message to show. (React.Node: anything React can render.)

Returns Indicator An identifier for this signal, ignoring its internal structure.


Close a signal


  • idLoading Indicator The identifier returned by open().

Returns void


[static] Retrieve the GlobalLoading singleton instance.

Returns instance

Exported flow types

GlobalLoading & LocalLoading

  • Indicator opaque - What returns, it's accepted by GlobalLoaing.close() and

  • Active Indicator | bool - The type of

  • LoadingProps - Props of LocalLoading

    • active Active - Flag its visibility. When Indicator is passed, the global one will not shown. Pass true to leave global alone.
    • masked boolean - Flag its mask visibility. (optional, default false)
    • message Node - Content to display. (optional, default undefined)
    • button HTMLElement - Button to be disabled, both a property and a class named disabled are set. (optional, default false)
    • container HTMLElement | false - Container where its placed. When not provided, parentNode is implied. If set to false, no signal will be shown, other functions still work. (optional, default undefined)
    • theme React.ComponentType<*> - The Component defining its actual visual outlook. You can pass any props to LocalLoading which will be relayed to this component. (optional, default Blobs)
import { type Indicator, type Active, type LoadingProps } from 'react-loading-signal';

Progress Theme

  • Caption (number) => string Handler to generate progressing caption string.

  • ProgressProps Props of Progress Component.

    • message number The decimal number indicating current progress. The max is 1.
    • caption Caption see above.
import { Themes } from 'react-loading-signal';
const { Progress } = Themes;
const Props: Themes.ProgressProps = {...};
// or
import { Progress, ProgressProps } from 'react-loading-signal/themes';
// or
import { Progress, type ProgressProps } from 'react-loading-signal/themes/progress';


  • To test when developing, run the demo:
npm start
  • E2e tests are run against PhantomJS v2.1.1, if you adopt other versions or tools, the snapshots shipped maybe invalidated, run this command to update:
npm run test:e2e--updateSnapshots
