
GitHub Stats card component for React applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactGithubStatsCardV2 from '';


React GitHub Stats Card (v2 is for react 17+ and react-dom 17+)

Screenshot of component

Demo Site here


  1. Install the package via npm.
npm install react-github-stats-card-v2
  1. Import the component to file you want to use it in.
import { Card } from 'react-github-stats-card-v2';
  1. Place the component on the page.
  • username is a required prop. Example: username="cnocon"
  • theme is an optional prop that defaults to false if not explicitly passed. Example theme={true}
  • themeColor is a string of either "blue" (default), "gold", "green", "pink", or "purple" that will change some of the colors on the card.
  • accessToken is an optional prop that will raise your rate limit if you start encountering rate limiting errors in your application. Example accessToken="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv12345678910"

Using Storybook

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the root directory:
git clone
cd react-github-stats-card-v2
  1. Run npm install from the project root.
npm install
  1. Run npm start
npm start