
Fully customizable and reusable expand/collapse component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactExpansion from '';



Fully customizable and reusable expand/collapse component

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

What is this

react-expansion sees the expand/collapse system as the composition of multiple bricks. the picture bellow resumes it all.


Picture generated with excalidraw.


npm install --save react-expansion


yarn add react-expansion


This ongoing codeSandbox will contain reusable examples

Edit vigilant-paper-ynigk

Props and Usage hints

To use react-expansion, you need to define a few components on your own because we prefer to stay agnostic to the UI.

These components will receive the following props:

Prop value
expanded a boolean that indicates whether the component is expanded/collapsed
toggleExpansion if controlled, will toggle the expansion state
position will be spread to IndicatorComponent, LabelComponent and ActionsComponent, and indicates respectively the position of the nested component

The ExpandCollapse component props are:

Prop PropType Default value Usage
expanded bool undefined If present, the expand collapse becomes controlled by this prop
initialValue bool false If not controlled, this is the initial expansion state when the component is mounted
labelPosition oneOf(['start', 'end']) start Indicates the position of the label component and/or label children
actionsPosition oneOf(['start', 'end']) end Indicates the position of the action component and/or the actions children
indicatorPosition oneOf(['start', 'end']) end Indicates the position of the indicator component
Component String or func React.Fragment Is the component in which the Expansion header and content will be wrapped into
ComponentProps object {} The props of the top level wrapper component
ExpansionComponent String or func undefined The component to be mounted to wrap the Expansion Header (that contains the indicator, label, actions, divider)
ExpansionProps object {} The props to be passed to the ExpansionComponent plus the automatic props described the in the previous table
IndicatorComponent String or func undefined The component that is supposed to indicate the expansion state and toggles it
IndicatorProps object {} The props to be passed to the IndicatorComponent plus the automatic props described the in the previous table
LabelComponent String or func undefined The component in which the label prop is wrapped
LabelProps object {} The props to be passed to the LabelComponent plus the automatic props described the in the previous table
ActionsComponent String or func undefined The component in which the actions prop is wrapped
ActionsProps object {} The props to be passed to the ActionComponent plus the automatic props described the in the previous table
DividerComponent String or func undefined The component that will be mounted as a divider (may be an hr or any custom object (even a form))
DividerProps object {} The props to be passed to the DividerComponent plus the automatic props described the in the previous table
contentContainerProps object {} The props to be passed to the div containing the content, these props are only passed if the component is expaned
actions any undefined The actions children to be mounted in the actions area
children any undefined What will be hidden/visible depending on the expansion state
label any undefined The label to display in its position
keepMounted bool undefined If true, the content will stay into the dom, but the div containing it will have a display: none style
onExpandChange func undefined will be called with the next expansion state whenever the expand collapse changed
contentDisplay string undefined The display style property's value that will be given the content container when visible

You can also imperatively handle the expansion state if not controlled. The useImperativeHandle hook exposes the following functions:

  • expand
  • collapse
  • toggleExpansion

and can be used like this:

const myRef = React.useRef()
function expand() {
function collapse() {
function toggle() {
// later
<SomeButton onClick={toggle}>Toggle</SomeButton>
<SomeButton onClick={expand}>Expand</SomeButton>
<SomeButton onClick={collapse}>Collapse</SomeButton>
<ExpandCollapse ref={myRef} {...}>Some tags and children</ExpandCollapse>

Limitations and roadmap

  • The ExpandCollapse component wraps the children in a div so its display style is managed and thus we can offer the keepMounted ability
  • There is no support for animations, but we hope it will be released in the v2 (instead, you can pass the needed css using className or style via the contentContainerProps)

Usage examples

There is a lot of examples that can be made with this ExpandCollapse.

Let's create a navigation file system that will display a files tree (folders & files).

I will be using Material-ui to illustrate my examples for faster dev.

First: the IndicatorComponent

const useIndicatorStyles = makeStyles({
  iconButton: {
    border: `1px solid`,
    padding: '0px',
  icon: {
    width: '12px',
    height: '12px'
function FileSystemIndicator({ expanded, toggleExpansion, variant = 'file'}) {
  const classes = useIndicatorStyles()
  if (variant === 'file') {
    return null; // no indicator when it's a file
  return (
    <IconButton color="primary"  className={classes.iconButton} onClick={toggleExpansion} size="small">
      <SvgIcon className={classes.icon}>
        {expanded ? <ArrowDown /> : <ArrowRight />}

Then: the LabelComponent

import File from '@material-ui/icons/InsertDriveFile'
import FolderOpen from '@material-ui/icons/FolderOpen'
import FolderClosed from '@material-ui/icons/Folder'

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  root: {
    cursor: 'pointer',
    display: 'flex',
    alignItems: 'center',
    marginLeft: 4
  icon: {
    width: '12px',
    height: '12px',
    marginRight: 4
function FileSystemLabel({filename, fileUrl, variant = 'file', expanded, toggleExpansion}) {
  const classes = useStyles()
  function onClick() {
    if (fileUrl) {
      alert(`We can load a file content here from it's url ${fileUrl}`)
    } else {
  return (
    <Typography onClick={onClick} color="primary" component="div" className={classes.root}>
      <SvgIcon className={classes.icon}>
        {variant === 'folder' && expanded && <FolderOpen/>}
        {variant === 'folder' && !expanded && <FolderClosed/>}
        {variant === 'file' && <File/>}
      <Typography color="primary" component="span">

Then: the DividerComponent which will be nothing:

function Nothing() {
  return null;

And then, the FileUnit that returns our ExpandCollapse:

function FileUnit({children, filename, variant, fileUrl,}) {
  return (
      ExpansionProps={{style: {display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center'}}}
      LabelProps={{filename, variant, fileUrl}}
        style: {
          marginLeft: 24

The resulting ExpandCollapse with a minimal example will give this output

file system example

We can also create a large variant of expand collapse and combine them. Here is a picture, I am still looking to create multiple other examples in a demo package.

file system example


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