
A react library to help sequence reveal animations on scroll.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactDrizzle from '';



A react library to help sequence reveal animations on scroll.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide



npm install --save react-drizzle

Requires Peer Dependency: gsap

npm install --save gsap


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import Drizzle, { DrizzleSettings } from 'react-drizzle'

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <DrizzleSettings speed={2}>
        <Drizzle type="text" group="my-group-namespace">
            Text you<br></br> want to<br></br>Animate

        <Drizzle type="fade-up" group="my-group-namespace">
          {/* it will wait to load image before revealing the group */}

        <Drizzle type="fade-up" group="second-group">



  • type: fade or text. Can take a direction:
    • -up, -down, -left, -right, ex: type="fade-down"
  • order: Number - if this isn't set, it picks the order based off creation order. Elements with an order set always rank higher than elements without an order. The plugin sets a calculated order — for example, if two elements have the order 1, 5, 7, the calculated orders get set to 0, 1, 2.
  • speed: Number in seconds (default: 1) - the time it takes for a single Drizzle element to appear. This is multiplied by its calculated order.
  • delay: Number in seconds (default: 0) - the amount of time to wait to reveal the item, after it is ready to reveal.
  • distance: Number - pixel distance (default: 25). Used for movement, such as a fade-up
  • onAppear: Function - callback that triggers when the item is ready to reveal, e.g. when the item moves into view.
  • visibilityRootMargin String or Number - (default: 0) Margin around the root. See Intersection Observer API
  • visibilityThreshold Array or Number - (default: 0.3) Indicates at what percentage of the target's visibility the observer's callback should be executed Intersection Observer API
  • containerSx: Extend sx props to the container element
  • containerStyle: Extend style props to the container element
  • sx: Extend sx props to the underlying animation element
  • style: Extend style props to the underlying animation element

<DrizzleSettings> - global settings applied to all child <Drizzle> elements

  • Can set defaults for speed, delay, distance, visibilityRootMargin, visibilityThreshold.
  • staggerSpeed: Number in seconds (default: 0.1) - the time to wait between revealing Drizzle items within the group.
  • ease: String (default: 'Power2.easeOut') - a GSAP tween. ex: ease={'elastic.out(1, 0.3)'}
  • waitForChildImages: Boolean (default: true) - doesn't reveal group until images in the group are loaded.
  • textLineStaggerSpeed: Number in seconds (default: 0.1) - for type="text"; the time to wait between revealing lines of text.

Order of operations:

Drizzle is on screen, wait for staggerSpeed, wait for delay speed, then display its children.


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