
Create React components with CSS classes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactClassed from '';



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Create React components with CSS classes. Perfect when using a CSS framework, e.g Tailwind.


npm install --save react-classed


Create React components with CSS classes, inspired by styled-components and other styled packages.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import classed from 'react-classed';

const Text = classed.p`text-blue-500`;

const Link = classed.a([
    ({ href }) => ({
        'bg-red-500': href && href.startsWith('http')

const App = () => (
        <Text>Blue text</Text>
        <Link>A green link</Link>
        <Link href="">A green link with red background</Link>

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Just like a styled package you can create any html tag by using classed.X, classed[x] and classed(x).

You can also use a existing component that accepts className prop:

const Button = props => <button {...props}>{props.children}</button>;
const BlackButton = classed(Button)('bg-black');

Dynamic classnames

You can pass an object or a function that takes a object of props:

// object
const href = true;
const Link = classed.a({
  'bg-red-500': href

// function
const Link = classed.a(({ href }) => ({
  'bg-red-500': href && href.startsWith('http')

const App = () => (
        <Link>A green link</Link>
        <Link href="">A green link with red background</Link>

Functions can return a array of classNames:

const Link = classed.a(({ href }) => ['link', { 'bg-red-500': href && href.startsWith('http') }]);

Array of classNames

You can pass an array of classnames and allow any type of other input:

const Link = classed.a([
    ({ href }) => ({
        'bg-red-500': href && href.startsWith('http')

Template string

You can also use tagged template strings:

const Text = classed.p`text-blue-500`;

And with variables:

const hasError = true;
const Error = classed.p`${hasError && 'error'}`;

And with functions to access props

const Link = classed.a`
  ${({ href }) => ({
    'bg-red-500': href && href.startsWith('http')

You can return array, objects with true/false values and strings.

classnames package

You also support all input types of classnames.

Additional CSS

You can also add additional css and styled-components and emotion css functions or any input that are a object with styles string property or array of strings.

// template string
const Text = classed.p(`text-blue-500`, `font-weight: bold`);

// styled-components
import { css } from 'styled-components';

// css() => ['font-weight: bold']
const Text = classed.p(`text-blue-500`, css(`font-weight: bold`));

// emotion
import { css } from '@emotion/core';

// css() => { styles: 'font-weight: bold' }
const Text = classed.p(`text-blue-500`, css(`font-weight: bold`));


MIT © Fredrik Forsmo