Quantstamp Component Library and Style Guide
How to import into a React project:
From your React.js project folder
npm i qs-ui-lib --save
# or
yarn add qs-ui-lib
Then to source the component in your page or top level component
// File: pages/mypage.js
import { MyComponent } from 'qs-ui-lib'
<MyComponent someprop="someVal">
Shortcut Refrence
- Accordian
- Banner
- Button
- CalloutCard
- CarouselGallery
- CarouselGalleryCard
- CheckboxGroup
- CodeInputArea
- Colors
- CTAGrid
- CTAGridContent
- DatePick
- FilterTable
- GlobalDefault
- GlobalFonts
- GlobalReset
- GlobalTypography
- Glyph
- Icon
- Input
- LayoutGrid
- LayoutWrapper
- LinkCTA
- LinkText
- Logo
- Modal
- SimpleTable
- SlideBar
- Seal
- SealBanner
- Tabs
- Textarea
- Toggle
How to start locally for development: (pre-reqs: node/npm, nvm, git)
git clone git://
cd qs-ui-lib
nvm use
npm i
npm start
then open http://localhost:6060 in your browser.