
postcss-autoprefixer transform wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import postcssAutoprefixerStream from '';



A postcss-autoprefixer stream wrapper around postcss with autoprefixer.

Takes a file argument and an optional opts argument that is passed through to postcss. Returns a through stream that has autoprefixer contents written in and outputs the compiled css.

Can be as a parcelify or cartero transform.


var transform = require( '../' );
var fs = require( 'fs' );
var path = require( 'path' );

var inputFile = path.join( __dirname, "sampleStyle.css" );

var opts = {};

fs.createReadStream( inputFile ).pipe( transform( inputFile, opts ) ).pipe( process.stdout );


transform( file [, processOpts] [, autoprefixerOpts ] )

file - the css file to transform

processOpts - optional options hash passed through to postcss.process

autoprefixerOpts - optional options hash passed through to autoprefixer constructor