A library that allows the user to draw on a canvas, and extract the drawn points. Useful for getting handwritten user input.
npm install portraycanvas --save
yarn add portraycanvas
Your html:
<canvas id="canvas-main" style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid black;" height="200"></canvas>
Your Javascript:
import PortrayCanvas from 'portraycanvas';
var canvas = new PortrayCanvas(document.getElementById("canvas-main"), {
// All these attributes are optional.
// Stroke size
lineWidth: 2,
// Set the color
color: '#00ff00',
// Period in which it collects points. The lower, the more points it collects.
// If it's too high, you might not get curved lines accurately.
period: 5,
// Some events...
onLineFinish: function(c){
console.log("A line was finished, here are all the lines:");
onClear: function(){
console.log("The canvas was cleared");
onUndo: function(line){
console.log("This line was deleted:");
You can programmatically call these methods:
canvas.getLines(); // Get all lines
canvas.clear(); // Clear the canvas
canvas.undo(); // Remove last line you drew
canvas.setColor('#ff0000'); // Change the stroke color
canvas.revertDefaultColor(); // If you had changed the color, go back to the default one.
It seems it's necessary that the canvas element defines width
and height
<canvas id="main-canvas" width="500" height="700">
This issue is being investigated. It might still work without them in some situations, but make sure the canvas works correctly even after resizing the window.
You can initialize the canvas using the color
option (as explained above), but you can use a css
class in order to keep it consistent with the rest of your application:
.green-canvas {
/* If you include the 'color' property, it'll be
used as the stroke color */
color: #006600;
background-color: #fafafa;
border: 3px solid black;
cursor: crosshair;
And then in your HTML:
<canvas id="canvas-main" class="green-canvas" width="800" height="500"></canvas>
Recommended CSS
You can make the canvas unselectable by applying the following CSS:
-webkit-user-select: none; /* Chrome all / Safari all */
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox all */
-ms-user-select: none; /* IE 10+ */
user-select: none; /* Likely future */
You can make the canvas unscrollable, which is useful for mobile pages, so that it doesn't unintentionally scroll while touching it, by applying the following CSS to your canvas.
touch-action: none;
In future versions, these CSS rules will be applied automatically by the library.