
PoolTogether Client JavaScript library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pooltogetherjs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pooltogetherjs';



Helper functions for calculating Pool values. Functions use the BigNumber library bn.js which is common to both ethers.js and web3.js.

The PoolTogether algorithm is described in the Medium article Inside PoolTogether v2.0.


The library is built as a CommonJS module:

# yarn add pooltogether/pooltogetherjs


const pt = require('pooltogetherjs')
pt.utils.calculatePrize(balance, accountedBalance, feeFraction)

API Reference


Calculating the Current Prize

To calculate the current (accrued so far) prize, first pull the following values from the Pool:

  • balance = Pool#balance: the current balance of the Pool in Compound
  • accountedBalance = Pool#accountedBalance: the balance of the Pool that has thus far been accounted for
  • currentCommittedDrawId = Pool#currentCommittedDrawId: the currently "locked" prize that will be awarded next
  • draw = Pool#getDraw(currentCommittedDrawId): gets the current committed draw information

Now you can calculate the current prize:

const pt = require('pooltogetherjs')
const prize = pt.utils.calculatePrize(

Determining the Draw Date

The award date occurs two weeks after the prize is opened for deposits. You can calculate the date for either the current committed prize (i.e. the next prize to be awarded) or the current open prize (the prize that everyone is currently depositing into).

  • currentCommittedDrawId = Pool#currentCommittedDrawId: the currently "locked" prize that will be awarded next
  • draw = Pool#getDraw(currentCommittedDrawId): gets the current committed draw information

You can use the draw.openedBlock to determine the timestamp of the block, then add two weeks to it. That'll give you the draw date.

Calculating the Estimated Prize

To calculate the estimated prize, first pull the following values from the Pool:

  • balance = Pool#balance: the current balance of the Pool in Compound
  • accountedBalance = Pool#accountedBalance: the balance of the Pool that has thus far been accounted for
  • currentCommittedDrawId = Pool#currentCommittedDrawId: the currently "locked" prize that will be awarded next
  • draw = Pool#getDraw(currentCommittedDrawId): gets the current committed draw information
  • supplyRatePerBlock = Pool#supplyRatePerBlock: gets the current supply rate per block

You'll also need to determine how many blocks are remaining before the prize is awarded.

const pt = require('pooltogetherjs')
const balance = // retrieve the balance via ethers.js or web3.js
const balanceTakenAt = new Date()

Now you can calculate the final estimated prize:

const pt = require('pooltogetherjs')
const prize = pt.utils.calculatePrize(

const prizeSupplyRate = pt.utils.calculatePrizeSupplyRate(

const prizeEstimate = pt.utils.calculatePrizeEstimate(