
A pointer event router with helper functions for positioning.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poniter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poniter';



Poniter is a UI library that implements lightweight, emphemeral routers for pointers (mouse, touch, and stylus events).


Poniter expects the following features in the environment, which will need to be polyfilled:

  • ES6 Maps
  • Pointer Events

Also note that, to get pointer events for touches, you will need to set "touch-action" to "none" (either as a style or as an attribute, depending on the way your polyfill works) on <html>, <body>, or any element you want touch events to start from.


To listen for poniter-enhanced pointer events, call poniter.listen with the element you wish to listen to, then call ".on" methods for respective pointer events:

/*global poniter*/
  .on('enter', function(evt) {
    console.log('new pointer over example element');
  .on('down', function(evt) {
    console.log('example element tapped');

Any event can also listen to further events from the given pointer by using the pon method of the event (you may wish to combine this with setPointerCapture) - each pon call returns the original event, so multiple pon calls may be chained:

  .on('down', function(evt) {
    var downtime = Date.now();
    evt.pon('up', function(evt) {
      var duration = (Date.now() - downtime) / 1000;
      console.log('Pointer dropped after ' + duration + ' seconds');
    }).pon('cancel',function(evt) {
      var duration = (Date.now() - downtime) / 1000;
      console.log('Pointer canceled after ' + duration + ' seconds');

License in Three Lines (LITL)

Copyright 2015 Stuart P. Bentley.
This work may be used freely as long as this notice is included.
The work is provided "as is" without warranty, express or implied.