
A module to create a Polymer component from the template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polymd from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/polymd';



The polymd (polymer-module) is a module to easily create a Polymer web component element from the template.

It will create the following structure:

| - demo
|    - index.html
| - tasks
|    - lint-task.js
|    - release.js
| - test
|    - basic-test.html
|    - index.html
| - .editorconfig
| - .gitattributes
| - .gitignore
| - .jsbeautifyrc
| - .jscsrc
| - .travis.yml
| - bower.json
| - gulpfile.js
| - index.html
| - LICENSE.md
| - my-element.html
| - package.json
| - README.md
  • demo - Demo pages with predefined index file
  • tasks - Gulp tasks directory
    • lint-task.js - Call with gulp lint to run linters
    • release.js - Call with gulp release to publish the release. it uses conventional-github-releaser to release the update.
  • test - Test cases directory. see web components tester for more information
    • basic-test.html - A home for basic tests. it will contain a simple test case example
    • index.html - A file where test cases files should be included.
  • .editorconfig - Unified editor configuration
  • .gitattributes, .gitignore - Git setup files
  • .jsbeautifyrc, .jscsrc - Linters files with unified setup
  • .travis.yml - Travis integration file
  • bower.json - Bower definition for dependency management
  • CONTRIBUTING.md - A file with description of how to contribute to the project. It will be automatically included into new issue page on github. TODO: It's currently ARC specific file. Should be more generic.
  • gulpfile.js - Gulp definitions file. It only includes tasks form the tasks directory.
  • index.html - Documentation page for the component.
  • LICENSE.md - The license file. TODO: It's Apache 2 only. Could be some option to choose between different licenses.
  • my-element.html - Generated element. Name of the file depends on the component name.
  • package.json - Node dependencies required in gulp tasks.
  • README.md - Auto-generated readme file.


sudo npm install polymd -g

It's better to install it as a global command since it doesn't have interface to include it into another node nodule.


polymd MODULE-NAME [ --description "the description"] [--author "the author"] [--version "1.0.0"] [--repository "my-org"] [--skip-tests] [--skip-demo]


The name of the web component. It must be consisted with alphanumeric characters and a - sign. All uppercase characters will be normalized to lowercase.


Option Shortcut Description
--description -d Short description for the component used in bower and in the package file
--author -a Author of the component. You can set up the POLYMD_AUTHOR env variable to automatically insert it into this field. If not, the USER variable will be used (if present).
--version -v Version of the component. Use semantic version standard.
--repository -r The repository of the element. It should be only a user or organization name and component name will be appended. Use the POLYMD_REPO env variable to automate this.
--skip-tests -st Skip creation of the tests cases.
--skip-demo -sd Skip creation of the demo page.