Polarbear v3
This was built for the purpose of people who are familiar with Vue but want a lighter weight option that includes most of the crucial and heavily used Vue options.
Interpolation & filters
<p>your name backwards and in upper-case is: {{ name | reverse | upper }}</p>
<p>your favorite number times 2 is: {{ favNum * 2 }}</p>
<p>the current year is: {{ getYear() }}</p>
Event binding
<button @click="console.log('btn clicked')">Click me</button>
<button @click="timer += 1">Add 1 min</button>
Data binding
<input bindval.trim="message" />
<input type="number" bindval.number="itemCount" />
Conditional rendering
<p showif="age >= 18">You are atleast 18.</p>
<p showelse>Sorry. you must be 18</p>
Iterable rendering
<li loopfor="item in groceryList">{{ item }}</li>
<li loopfor="(name, phoneNumber, id)">Entry #{{ id }} is for {{ name }} with number: {{ phoneNumber }}</li>
Extra reference
<p ref="myParagraph">This is my special case paragraph</p>
watch: {
name(oldVal, newVal) {
console.log(`Name changed from ${oldVal} to ${newVal}`)
Global events
events: {
scroll(e) {
Lifecycle hooks
created() {
console.log("Polarbear instance created.");
mounted() {
console.log("Polarbear instance initial mount.");