
Pokémon Go PVP ranking calculator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pokemonGoPvpRank from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pokemon-go-pvp-rank';


Pokémon Go - PVP Ranking

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A rank calculator for PVP on Pokémon Go.

It features full support for Typescript, ES Modules and Common JS imports.

Based on the work of nickmagus on pogostat.com and gostadiumpvp on stadiumgaming.gg.


This was written as a library and can be requested with npm or yarn.

yarn add pokemon-go-pvp-rank


npm install pokemon-go-pvp-rank


Import the library:

// for Typescript / ESM
import { calculateRank, getByName } from 'pokemon-go-pvp-rank';

// for Common JS
const { calculateRank, getByName } = require('pokemon-go-pvp-rank');

All function use objects as named parameters.

const pokedexEntry = getByName({ name: 'Machamp' });
const { rank, occurence } = calculateRank({
    // refs from pokémon being compared (1-15)
    refAttackStat: 1,
    refDefenseStat: 14,
    refHealthStat: 14,
    // max league CP
    maxCP: 1500,
    // max desired level (1-55)
    maxLevel: 40,
    // minimum stat:
    //  0 - wild
    //  1 - good friend trade
    //  2 - great friend trade
    //  3 - ultra friend trade
    //  4 - weather boost
    //  5 - best friend trade
    // 10 - raid/egg/mission
    // 12 - lucky
    minimumStatValue: 0,

The rank object contains an array of occurence which contains the structure below, ocurrence is has the data for the reference stats provided.

  attackStat: 1,
  defenseStat: 14,
  healthStat: 14,
  level: 18,
  attackProduct: 133.1873121765,
  defenseProduct: 98.04853194270001,
  healthProduct: 125,
  product: 1632352.55403749,
  cp: 1475,
  rank: 235


Pokémon and all respective names and images are trademark & copyright of Nintendo. Pokémon GO is trademark & copyright of Niantic, Inc.

This project is not affiliated with Niantic Inc., The Pokemon Company nor Nintendo.