
A simple JavaScript tool converting point cloud file from one format to another.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pointCloudConvert from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/point-cloud-convert';



point-cloud-convert is a simple JavaScript tool converting point cloud file from one format to another, which can use as both of JavaScript API in a browser or in Node.js and CLI.

At present, the following convertions are supported.

  • pcd <-> ply
  • asc <-> pcd
  • asc <-> ply


In a browser:

<script src="point-cloud-convert.js"></script>

In Node.js:

If you want point-cloud-convert as API for your JavaScript project, run the code:

$ npm install --save point-cloud-convert

If you want point-cloud-convert as CLI to convert your local files, run the code:

$ npm install --global point-cloud-convert

How to use

(1) use point-cloud-convert as API

There is only one function named pointCloudConvert,which takes two parameters, the first is input string, and the second is conversion type string, and return a output string. conversion type can be one of the following strings so far:

pcd2ply, pcd2asc, ply2pcd, ply2asc, asc2pcd, asc2ply .

in a browser:

<script src="point-cloud-convert.js"></script>
    // inputStr has been loaded
    var conversionType = 'ply2pcd';  // convert ply to pcd
    var outputStr = pointCloudConvert(inputStr, conversionType);

in Node.js:

const pointCloudConvert = require('node_module/point-cloud-convert/point-cloud-convert.js');
// [attention] it is not require('point-cloud-convert'), because index.js is used as CLI.

// inputStr has been loaded
let conversionType = 'ply2pcd';  // convert ply to pcd
let outputStr = pointCloudConvert(inputStr, conversionType);

(2) use point-cloud-convert as CLI

point-cloud-convert can be also used as CLI. it is really convenient and fase to convert point cloud file from one format to another, All you need to do is installing the Node.js and point-cloud-convert package in global. If you have already installed Node.js , then run the following code to install point-cloud-convert globally.

$ npm install --global point-cloud-convert

The help doc:

Usage: point-cloud-convert [options] <src> <dest>

  -v, --version      output the version number
  -t, --type <type>  set format conversion type, eg. pcd2ply, it will be inferred if not set
  -d, --directory    convert all files from one directory to another
  -h, --help         output usage information

Supported all conversion type among ply, pcd and asc, eg. pcd2ply, asc2pcd

  $ point-cloud-convert demo.pcd demo.ply -t pcd2ply
  $ point-cloue-convert demo.pcd demo.ply
  $ point-cloud-convert ./input ./output -t ply2pcd -d


  • Convert demo.pcd to demo.ply . Option -t pcd2ply specifies the conversion type.

    $ point-cloud-convert demo.pcd demo.ply -t pcd2ply

    This command will convert demo.pcd to demo.ply.

  • Indeed, if you forget type -t option, the conversion type will be inferred from the source filename demo.pcd and destination filename demo.ply. I think it is more convenient for converting a single file.

    $ point-cloud-convert demo.pcd demo.ply
  • Converting directory is also supported by using -d option. In the following example, ./input is source directory, ./output is destination directory. But in this case, -t option is necessary, because conversion type can not be inferred any more. Again, do not forget -d option when converting point cloud directory.

    $ point-cloud-convert ./input ./output -t ply2pcd -d

    This command will convert all ply files in ./input directory to pcd files in ./output directory.


  • Create a simple browser demo to show basic function of point-cloud-convert.
  • Add README-zh.md.
  • Support point cloud format wrl.
  • Support converting directory recursively (using -r option).


Please use the Github issue tracker for all bugs and feature requests.