
A simple deploy application with GitHub and Heroku integration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import poeDeploy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/poe-deploy';



A simple deploy application with GitHub and Heroku integration


// app.js
var deploy = require('poe-deploy');

var app = module.exports = deploy();

The exported app can now be run with startup.

$ startup start -p app.js

Environment Variables

  • GITHUB_TOKEN - GitHub access token for cloning the repo
  • GITHUB_SECRET - A secret token shared between GitHub and the poe-deploy instance to verify webhooks
  • HEROKU_TOKEN - Heroku access token for deploying and creating a apps
  • HEROKU_PREFIX - A prefix to use when deploying to heroku, i.e. poe would result in poe-myapp-prod