
Pneumon is a module that allows automatic updating and managment of nodeJS app deployments.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pneumon from '';



Pneumon is a module that allows automatic updating and managment of nodeJS app deployments.



  • String version: Current app version
  • updater: Updater configuration
    • Function<Promise<Object>>: A function that returns a promise that contains the following values
      • String version: Version String (Can be anything, pnemoun does not differentiate between up- and downgrades)
      • Buffer checksum(optional): Multihash encoded checksum (note: only a subset supported). If this is null, checksum checks will be skipped (UNRECOMMENDED)
      • String url: Download URL for file
    • String: URL to a JSON file in the above format, except checksum must be encoded as hex
  • Integer checkInterval: Check interval for updates. Default 1000 * 60 * 60 (1h)
  • String executorPath: Binary to execute the executable with. This usually is the nodeJS runtime. Set this to false to make the binary get directly executed, as it is required for pkg. (Note: If process.pkg is set then this is automatically getting set to false)
  • String binaryPath: The path to the binary. This is process.argv[1] by default, unless executorPath is set to false then it's process.argv[0]
  • wrapperScript: Wrapper script that needs to be replaced. Optional.
    • Boolean: If true then a wrapper script will be created at binaryPath + extension for platform
    • String: Path to wrapper script
    • Object:
      • path: Path to wrapper script
      • type: Can be one of sh, bat, ps. Usually auto-detected based on file-ending or platform
  • Function serviceManager({ name, cmd, args }): Service manager. Can be either a string of systemd, linux, mac, windows (NOTE: last 3 will get deperacted soon, see issue #1) or an object. Default is auto-detected by platform
    • Promise<Boolean> isInstalled(name): Checks whether the named service is installed
    • Promise<Void> install(name, cmd, args): Installs a service that launches a command with arguments. NOTE: Will also be called sometimes to update an existing service
    • Promise<Void> uninstall(): Uninstalls the service
    • Promise<Void> start(): Starts the service
    • Promise<Void> stop(): Stops the service
    • Promise<Void> restart(bg): Restarts the service, bg option forks the command to the background
    • Promise<Boolean> isRunningAsService(): Tries to detect whether the app is running in a service
  • String name: Name used for app service

Promise<Boolean> .isInstalled(): Returns whether the app is installed as a service

Promise<Void> .install(): Installs app and starts service

Promise<Void> .uninstall(): Uninstalls app and stops service

Promise<Void> routines.install(): Installs app

Promise<Void> routines.uninstall(): Uninstalls app

.service: See serviceManager

Promise<Boolean> .isRunningAsService(): Check whether we are in a service or not

Promise<Boolean> .checkForUpdates(): Returns if updates are available

Promise<Void> .update(): Runs update routine (Check?, Download, Replace, Restart)


checkFailed(err): Update check has failed

check(data, currentVersion): Update check has succeded

updateFound(data, currentVersion): Update check has found new version

download(url): Downloading newer version

downloadFail(err): Downloading newer version failed


const pneumon = require('pneumon')
const App = Pneumon({ // most stuff is optional, this is the bare-minimum
  version: require('./package.json').version,
  updater: 'https://your-ota-server/app/pneumon.json',
  name: 'my-cool-app'

const main = async () => {
  if (!await app.isInstalled()) {
    await app.install() // installs service
    process.exit(0) // quit this instance

  if (!await app.isRunningAsService()) {
    console.error('Run this as a service')


Helpful notes

To use pneumon, you need to bundle your code into a single file which you can do using pkg or parcel

You could also use docker, but sometimes that's simply not an option or just too much, that's why I created this lib

GitLab Config

If you want to deploy the binary from gitlab simply launch a gitlab-artifacts-server and add this job to the gitlab-ci yaml:

# for pkg
   - npx pkg --out-path deploy .
# OR for parcel (unrecommended as it doesn't always work)
#   - npx parcel --target node --bundle-node-modules
# writes metadata
   - 'for f in deploy/*; do npx pneumon --version "$(cat package.json | jq -rc)" --hash --file "$f" --out "$f.json"; done'
  image: node:10
  stage: build
      - deploy/

Wrapper Script

The wrapper script is a simple script that checks for a new binary, replaces the current one with the new one and runs the new binary


  • Tests
  • More services
  • Maybe support archives, too