Powerful pattern matching for js - inspired by Haskell.
npm install pmatch-js
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- requires chai and mocha
- The otherwise call is necessary and must be the last call that you make.
- '_' acts as a wildcard. I liked the smiley :-)
- Its implemented via recursion. Just that you know.
- uses ES6 syntax.
Calculate fibonacci
const fibbonacci = n => {
const go = (n, a, b) => match(n)
.when(0, a)
.otherwise(_ => go(n - 1, b, a +b));
return go(n, 0, 1);
// 75025
Calculate factorial
const factorial = n => match(n)
.when(0, 1)
.otherwise(n => n * factorial(n - 1));
// 3628800
list length
const tail = ([_, ...xs]) => xs;
const head = ([x, ..._]) => x;
const count = c => match(c)
.when([], 0)
.otherwise(xs => 1 + count(tail(xs)));
// 5
Map f over a list
const map = (f, xs) => match(xs)
.when([], [])
.otherwise(([x, ...xs]) => [f(x),, xs)]);
console.log(map(Number, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']));
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Recursive zipWith
const zipWith = (f, lst1, lst2) => match([lst1, lst2])
.when([[], '_'], [])
.when(['_', []], [])
.otherwise(([[x, ...xs], [y, ...ys]]) => [f(x, y)].concat(zipWith(f, xs, ys)));
console.log(zipWith((a, b) => a + b, [4,2,5,6], [2,6,2,3]));
// [ 6, 8, 7, 9 ]
console.log(zipWith((a, b) => `${a} ${b}`, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ['fighters', 'hoppers', 'aldrin']));
// [ 'foo fighters', 'bar hoppers', 'baz aldrin' ]
console.log(zipWith(Math.max, [6,3,2,1], [7,3,1,5]));
// [ 7, 3, 2, 5 ]]
Walk-a-tree / map f over Tree
class Tree {
constructor(left, right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
class Node {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
const T = (l, r) => new Tree(l, r);
const N = v => new Node(v);
const walkT = t => match(t)
.when(Node, v => console.log(v.value))
.when(Tree, t => { walkT(t.left); walkT(t.right)})
.otherwise(_ => 'error');
const mapT = (f, t) => match(t)
.when(Node, v => N(f(v.value)))
.when(Tree, t => T(mapT(f, t.left), mapT(f, t.right)))
.otherwise(_ => { throw new Error('error') });
const pow = v => Math.pow(v, 2);
const mapped = mapT(pow, T(T(N(5), T(N(7), N(1))), T(N(-1), N(8))));
// 25
// 49
// 1
// 1
// 64
Some deeper patterns:
Note: 'string' and 'number' are the typeof's
. So we can match on those as well...
const m1 = match('Hello')
.when('string', a => [true, a.toUpperCase()])
.when('number', a => [false, a])
.otherwise(_ => [false, 'no match'])
const m2 = match(['Hello', 5])
.when(['string', 'string'], ([a, b]) => [false, a, b])
.when(['string', 'number'], ([a, b]) => [true, a, b])
.otherwise(_ => [false, 'no match'])
some more difficult ones:
const m5 = match(['Hello', [100, 100], 100])
.when(['Hello', [5, 5], '_'], ([a, b, c]) => [false, a, b, c])
.when(['Hello', [100, 100], p => p < 100], ([a, b, c]) => [false, a, b, c])
.when(['Goodbye', ['_', '_'], '_'], ([a, b, c]) => [false, a, b, c])
/* -> */.when(['_', [100, 100], p => p === 100], ([a, b, c]) => [true, a, b, c])
.otherwise(_ => [false, 'no match'])
const anyObject = {
a: 5,
b : {
c: 4
const m7 = match(anyObject)
.when({a : 5}, false)
.when({a : 5, b : { c : 3 }}, false)
.when({a : 5, b : { c : '_' }}, true)
Can also match own types in nested arrays:
class ABox {
constructor(v) {
this.v = v;
const m6 = match([new ABox(5), [new ABox(10), new ABox(20)]])
.when([ABox, 5], ([a, b]) => [false, a, b])
.when([ABox, [ABox, ABox]], ([a, b]) => [true, a, b]) // <- will match
.otherwise(_ => 'no match');