Light weight service used by fail4wardjs for testing failure scenarios. Tested on node v10.
Run locally
Pull from dockerhub and run
docker run --name fail-svc -it ardydedase/fail4ward
Run with docker-compose
Checkout this repo.
Use docker compose.
docker-compose up
Run with npm
Checkout this repo.
Install and run:
npm install npm start
Failure scenarios: http://localhost:8000/error Success scenarios: http://localhost:8000/success
- Delay the response for 5000 milliseconds: http://localhost:8000/fail?timeout=5000
- Respond with 501 status code: http://localhost:8000/error?status=501
- Return successul response after 5 error reponses with status code 503: http://localhost:8000/success?after=5&status=503