Plate.js -- A Template Library
Plate is a Django Template Language implementation in Javascript. Super exciting!
- Plays nicely with the event loop and async code. Plate makes it easy to parallelize your view code!
- Aims to be compatible with the latest version of the Django Template Language. If you've got a template in Django, it should render just fine in Plate.
- Thoroughly tested using tape.
- Designed to work nicely in a Node.js environment
- Extensible -- It makes use of plugins to provide capabilities (e.g., template loading).
Can I use it in my browser?
Yes. Plate was designed to work well in the standard suite of browsers. Each minor point release will target compatibility with IE7+, FF3+, Chrome, and Safari 4+.
You can download a minified, precompiled version here.
If you're having trouble, try using the debug version, with source maps.
How do I use it?
In node (or browserify):
var plate = require('plate')
var template = new plate.Template('hello {{ world }}')
template.render({world:'everyone'}, function(err, data) {
// outputs "hello everyone"
Plate follows the Node.js style of taking callbacks that receive an error object and a data object. If there's no
error, err
will be null.
In browser (vanilla):
<script type="text/javascript" src="plate.min.js">
<script type="text/html" id="template">
hello {{ world }}.
<script type="text/javascript">
var source = $('#template').text()
, template = new plate.Template(source)
template.render({world: 'everyone'}, function(err, data) {
In browser (using require.js):
require(['plate.min'], function(plate) {
var template = new plate.Template('hello {{ world }}')
Plate is documented on its github wiki. There are "Getting Started" guides for both in-browser as well as in-node environments.
Got a feature you'd like to add? I'd love to see it. The workflow is pretty standard Github fare:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch -- title it descriptively, please :)
- Work, work, work.
- Push your changes and submit a pull request.
The minimum requirements for a pull request to be merged are:
- You've added (passing) tests for your new code.
- The existing tests still pass.
- You've added (or changed, as appropriate) documentation to the
folder in Markdown format.
Run the tests
In node:
$ npm install plate
$ npm test plate
Licensed MIT.