
The Pirate Bay

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import piratesbey from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/piratesbey';


Gracias a archive.org, tpb archive, Karel Bilek y Rick Falkvinge por la diferente data y scripts.


Archivos fuentes en formato compatible actualizados seran liberados como torrent, mientras tanto:

The Pirate's Bey


  • Node JS

  • Java 7 (for elasticsearch)

Running the application:

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Run npm install

  3. Setup the database using your mysql client

create database piratesbey_dev;
grant all privileges on piratesbey_dev.* to 'piratesbey'@'localhost' identified
by 'piratesbey';
flush privileges;
  1. Run node index.js and check out the app at http://localhost:1337

Search engine

It uses Elastic Search to create a distributed search engine for torrents. Anyone will be able to join the network to host the bigger torrents database in the world.

The search engine is embedded into the application, so you just need to follow the installation instructions and the site will use it by default.

New torrents added to the database will be automatically synchronized with the search engine.

Remember to configure your firewall to allow connections from ports 9200:9400 in order to make the nodes see each other in the cluster.

Cargar Sources y Scrapear TPB(s)

Los scripts estan tan optimizados como fue posible, los sources no estan incluidos (por ahora).

con = mdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='', db='piratesbey');

Cargar desde un mirror

python bay2bey_torrents.py 
source_site = 'http://oldpiratebay.org'
min_tpb_id = 3211594
max_tpb_id = 11671120

Cargar desde un backup en formato csv (tpb-archive)

python csv2bey_torrents.py
csv_path = 'sources/'
min_tpb_id = 3211594
max_tpb_id = 11671120

Cargar desde un backup en formato xml (karel)

python xml2bey_torrents.py
python xml2bey_comments.py
xml_path = 'sources/rich-and-valid.xml'
min_tpb_id = 3211594

Cargar desde un backup en formato csv (reddit) python csv2bey2_torrents.py --------------------------- csv_path = 'sources/tpb.txt'

Si te da error de byte NULL simplemente buscalo y borralo grep -Pan '\x00' ../sources/tpb-9-14.txt