
Good navigation in complex Line-of-Business applications is absolutely critical. It shall allow users to jump from one page to another and access features quickly and freely. Cumbersome navigation, unintuitive links and lots of clicks can ruin any application. Ease of use and productivity of users in the first place depend on it. Pip.WebUI.Nav module provides controls for global and local navigation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipWebui2Nav from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pip-webui2-nav';


Pip.WebUI Logo
Navigation controls

Good navigation in complex Line-of-Business applications is absolutely critical. It shall allow users to jump from one page to another and access features quickly and freely. Cumbersome navigation, unintuitive links and lots of clicks can ruin any application. Ease of use and productivity of users in the first place depend on it. Pip.WebUI.Nav module provides controls for global and local navigation.

Side navigation parts

Side navigation menu

Shows navigation links with optional icons that can be combined into groups




Data models:

class NavMenuLink {
    // Name to refer to the item
    public name: string;
    // Link visible title
    public title: string;
    // Tooltip text
    public tooltipText?: string;
    // Icon name from $iconProvider
    public icon?: string;
    // Counter badge
    public count?: number;
    // class for badge style
    public badgeStyle?: string;
    // Access function
    public access?: (link: NavMenuLink) => boolean;
    // window.location.href
    public href?: string;
    // $location.url
    public url?: string;
    // $state.go(state, stateParams)
    public state?: string;
    // Parameters for $state.go(state, stateParams)
    public stateParams?: any;
    // parent state or parent state for selection item 
    public parentState?: string;
    // $rootScope.broadcast(event)
    public event?: string;
    // Click callback
    public click?: (link: NavMenuLink) => void;

class NavMenuSection {
    // Name to refer to the section
    public name: string;
    // Section visible title
    public title?: string;
    // Tooltip text
    public tooltipText?: string;
    // Icon name from $iconProvider
    public icon?: string;
    // Links shown in the section
    public links: NavMenuLink[];
    // Access function
    public access?: (section: NavMenuSection) => boolean;

class NavMenuConfig {
    sections: NavMenuSection[];
    defaultIcon?: string;

Example on the image

Side navigation header

May contain information about the user or application




Data models:

class NavHeaderConfig {
    public title: string;
    public subtitle: string;
    public icon?: string;
    public picture?: string;

Example on the image

Application bar parts

Application bar icon

Shows main application icon and processes click on it



<pip-nav-icon> </pip-nav-icon>

Data models:

class NavIconConfig {
    icon: string;
    action?: () => void;

const DefaultIcon: NavIconConfig = {
    icon: 'menu',
    action: () => {}

Example on the image

Application bar breadcrumb

Shows title or several titles that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application



<pip-breadcrumb> </pip-breadcrumb>

Data model:

class BreadcrumbItem {
    title: string = null;
    click?: (item: BreadcrumbItem) => void = null;   
    subActions?: any[] = null; 

class BreadcrumbConfig {
    searchCriteria?: string;
    searchClick?: any;
    itemClick?: any;
    items?: BreadcrumbItem[];

Example on the image

Application bar primary actions

Shows extra icons in application bar and processes click on them



<pip-primary-actions> </pip-primary-actions>

Data model:

class PrimaryAction {
    icon: string;
    click?: any; 
    subActions?: PrimarySubAction[];

class PrimarySubAction {
    title: string;
    click?: any; 

class PrimaryActionsConfig {
    actions: PrimaryAction[]

Example on the image

Application bar secondary actions

Shows icon and dropdown menu with links




Data model:

class SecondaryAction {
    title: string;
    click?: any; 

class SecondaryActionsConfig {
    openMenuClick?: any;
    actions: SecondaryAction[];

Example on the image


Nav service

allows to configurate and control the navigation elements: nav header, nav menu, breadcrumb, nav icon, primary and secondary actions, etc.


import { PipNavService } from 'pip-webui2-nav';

    private navService: PipNavService,
) {
      icon: this.gtXsIcon

      searchCriteria: this.breadcrumbSearchCriteria,
      items: [
        { title: this.breadcrumbTitle1 },
        { title: this.breadcrumbTitle2 }

      actions: [
          icon: 'notifications', click: () => {
          icon: 'format_color_fill', subActions: this.generatePrimaryActionThemeList()

      actions: [
        { title: 'Settings' },
        { title: 'Sign out' }


To install this module using npm:

npm install pip-webui2-nav --save


This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.