
Portable Benchmarking Framework in Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipBenchmarkNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pip-benchmark-node';


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Portable Benchmarking Framework in Node.js

This benchmarking framework ported cross multiple languages to obtain comparible performance metrics across different implementations. In addition to performance benchmarking, it helps in other types of non-functional testing like load, reliability or concurrency.

  • Measures performance in transactions per second or TPS
  • Supports active (by calling Execute method) or passive (by reporting via Context) measurement methods
  • Supports configuration parameters to set connection strings or other settings for benchmarks
  • Runs benchmarks sequential or in proportional by allocating % of calls to each benchmark
  • Measures peak or nominal measurement at specified transaction rate
  • Measures system utilization (RAM and CPU) during benchmarking process
  • Measures overall environment performance (CPU, Video, Disk) for objective interpretation of results
  • Capture and errors or validation results
  • Console runner to execute benchmarks


To run benchmark do the following

node ./benchmark.js -a <path to suite> -b <benchmark name> -p <param>=<value>

To show available benchmarks

node ./benchmark.js -a <path to suite> -B

To show available parameters

node ./benchmark.js -a <path to suite> -P

To measure environment (CPU, video, disk)

node ./benchmark.js -e




This module created and maintained by Sergey Seroukhov.