
Pinpoint node agent provided by NAVER

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pinpointNodeAgent from '';


Pinpoint Node.js Agent

This is the official Node.js agent for Pinpoint.

If you have any feedback or questions, please post them on the Discuss issues.

Installation and getting started

1. Install

Install with npm:

npm install --save pinpoint-node-agent 

Install with yarn:

yarn add pinpoint-node-agent

2. Adding a code

To run Pinpoint agent for your own applications, make sure you have the prerequisites in place first.


  import 'pinpoint-node-agent'  



Webpack with node -r (required: above v0.8.2)

In Node with Webpack, if the Pinpoint Node agent cannot hook the HTTP module, it is the case that http.createServer is called first in the JS code compiled by webpack.

The'pinpoint-node-agent' require or import in the source code should be deleted.

$ node -r pinpoint-node-agent dist/entry.js

If you are using pm2, use node-args(CLI) or node_args(Ecosystem File).

module.exports = {
  apps : [{
    name: "app",
    script: "./app.js",
    'node_args': ['-r', 'pinpoint-node-agent']

3. Configuration with Environment variables

Based on the pinpoint-config-default.json file, only necessary parts are set as environment variables.

name default description
PINPOINT_AGENT_ID The maximum length is 24. a required variable.
PINPOINT_APPLICATION_NAME meaningful name of the app. an application name can have multiple PINPOINT_AGENT_ID. The maximum length is 24. a required variable.
PINPOINT_COLLECTOR_IP localhost The address that the Pinpoint collector. ex)
PINPOINT_SAMPLING_RATE 10 Sample rate of incoming HTTP or HTTPS request. The value is calculated as 1/value.
PINPOINT_ENABLE true If you set it to false, the agent will not work.
PINPOINT_CONTAINER false Whether to use docker or kubernetes. If the PINPOINT_CONTAINER environment variable is not set, the agent analyzes the'/.dockerenv' and'/proc/self/cgroup' files to determine whether to use the Docker container. If the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable exists, it is determined that it is the kubernetes environment and changes it to the true value.
PINPOINT_TRACE_EXCLUSION_URL_PATTERN comma-separated string. ex) /health_check,/admin/** or Unit tests
PINPOINT_TRACE_EXCLUSION_URL_CACHE_SIZE If the app is designed so that the pathname of the URL is fixed, if the cache size is set, the pathname of the frequently used URL does not match with patterns. In case of using query for pathname like /user/1000, cache is unnecessarily. Unit tests

Agent ID

The agent ID is used as the identifier per the server or node. You need to set the hostname or node identifier(The maximum length is 24) on the server.

PINPOINT_AGENT_ID=${HOSTNAME} pm2 start ~/service/bin/pm2_start.json​

Supported Modules

  • Express 4
  • Koa(koa-router >=5.2.0 <8)
  • Redis, ioredis(>=2.0.0 <5.0.0)
  • mongodb-core(>=1.0.0)
  • Elasticsearch Node client

Agent - Collector compatibility table

Agent Version Collector 1.x Collector 2.x
0.6.x no yes

Sampling rate

If you use Performance tester for sampling rate, you can review while changing the sampling rate of the node agent of the Node application.

No support the JVM agent features

The Pinpoint Node agent does not support the following the JVM agent features. We plan to provide more detailed app information like the JVM agent.

  • Active Request
  • Some inspector information(Transactions Per Second, Active Request ...)


We are looking forward to your contributions via pull requests.

To contribute to Pinpoint Node JS agent, you should pass all test suites and your unit tests.


   Copyright 2020-present NAVER Corp.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.