
The Fluffiest Game Engine EVER! We built this Twitch-Chat integrated web game engine live on Twitch!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pinkfluffyunicorn from '';


Pink Fluffy Unicorn

The Fluffiest Game Engine EVER! We built this Twitch-Chat integrated web game engine live on Twitch!


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Come and hang out with us at the Comfiest Corner on Twitch!


  1. Install NodeJS -
  2. Open the directory in a Command Prompt/Terminal
  3. Install Dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a file named .env that looks like this:
  1. Run Server: npm start
  2. View the webpage from your web browser! http://localhost:8000


Thank you to everyone that participated in the making of Pink Fluffy Unicorn the Game Engine!

MalForTheWin, lilmare, Instafriend, That_MS_Gamer, fydo, Instafluff, Neo_TA, ChatTranslator, Gilokk0, MacabreMan2, Amarogine, LuRiMer313, simrose4u, marss112, baileydale, Breci, guthron, DutchGamer46, Zuulmofo, Tisay757, UpmostKek, codeaurora, rockysenpai24, sethorizer, Kyoslilmonster, DrEriksen, HologramDream, LilyHazel, BungalowGlow, Ms_Porcupine, LowchairDom, Limmen, Luxio_TV, DEAD_P1XL, puppies4life, Talk2meGooseman, sparky_pugwash, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, Rezery, CrimsonKnightZero, emilyhendrieart, RIKACHET, alphelm, Leanbean66, roberttables, K1ng440, Broky_Tv, GhostlyTuna, zerolinnn, KitAnnLIVE, 1michi, Tendencydriven, JesseSkinner, Nylume, otistav, TechBoxNorth, donaldwm, BooobieTrap, Sir_Dave, NiteCrawla, EndlessMoonfall, Deitypotato, realdominic, xeiu, SparkzAlot, brandan_f, kingswerv, Chazzyvee, CuriousJess, mal_SJ, ThatNerdViolet, DevMerlin, SomaPills, Grognardian, kinbiko, Lord_of_Conquest, kaisuke, CreativeBuilds, Gharrotey, LuckyPheathers, noopkat, KQfellaz, Kara_Kim, SourBeers, Docpinecone

And thank you to all that helped add PixiJS for rendering!

Instafluff, Neo_TA, ChatTranslator, lilmare, Pearcington, Gilokk0, LilyHazel, That_MS_Gamer, Resiska, LuRiMer313, Pommetato, MacabreMan2, TrezyCodes, BloodThirstyCheeseBurger, BrainoidGames, Instafriend, sandwich3z, Breci, mr_grey, xzmma, Chibigirl24, brandan_f, RIKACHET, rockysenpai24, ItsNaomiArt, DevMerlin, DragosNox, JesseSkinner, thegooseofwild, jellydance, GarethHubball, DrEriksen, VLTMedia, Deitypotato, KaterinaAdriah, Alca, guthron, sparky_pugwash, Jah2369, DutchGamer46, baileydale, 土井津仁, donaldwm, DecoyDix, FranC312, BountyHunterLani, BaconBastrd, MisterHex, Optik_Nerve, Grognardian, NULLYUKI, simrose4u, Ms_Porcupine, realdominic, Kushimitama, Zuulmofo, Stobie, DrJavaSaurus, neniltheelf, SchizzaR, dragonhyperking, swolemaz, Thedudeskee, MerlinLeWizard, sethorizer, BooobieTrap, Mikeystea, mauerbac, UpmostKek, llofyy, deFunc, codyowl, EndlessMoonfall, Jwh1o1, Jormunduur, cottonsmiles

And thank you to all the folks who helped add Unicorn Power to the engine and let it update! UNICORN POOP FTW!

Instafluff, Instafriend, ChatTranslator, MacabreMan2, Gilokk0, g6thecagedpandaaa, That_MS_Gamer, simrose4u, Alca, LilyHazel, FuriousFur, UpmostKek, Deitypotato, Chazzyvee, PlatYellow, jellydance, DrJavaSaurus, AtomikJaye, shinageeexpress, BungalowGlow, Pommetato, AntiViGames, kirstykathleen, marss112, paulperson, guthron, smilesandtea, DutchGamer46, sethorizer, SourBeers, DEAD_P1XL, julieee22, TildeSnake, foxotic, BrainoidGames, K1ng440, fydo, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, FurretTurret, zivivi1, sparky_pugwash, Clarkio, raondev, LuRiMer313, BrandonSatrom, simplynoodle, Gharrotey, HeyOhKei, QeraiX, Pearcington, SoG_Cuicui, realdominic, SamuelFlank, regardsme, donaldwm, ScrtSolstice, neniltheelf, Chibigirl24, 45z45z, kpopsim, BabyGameyGirl, EndlessMoonfall, Kyoslilmonster, DevMerlin, SparkzAlot, MLGBlackbeard, the7goonies, loopere, GremiasV, superJpg, Diebbie, mismonsta, IchBins_SN, SleepyMia, ryanvaysu1, quqco, snoopy_snorlax, Zorchenhimer, DuoWasTaken, HotdogWithSauce, buffelsafari, dwxh, GUN_Vanguard, Mazzam, okayhugs, OtherWorldlyMelody, The1BadKid, Tomcii, MisakaGUN, artsume_shae, subauder, theLeprosyy, Glenn___, roberttables, malfunct, hikelp, TheKeyMom, RIKACHET, Optik_Nerve, rockysenpai24, TWrongNoTWright, therewillbememes

And to the folks that helped add audio support with unicorn fart sounds!

Alca, Instafluff, Instafriend, Neo_TA, ChatTranslator, Gilokk0, simrose4u, BrandonSatrom, ItsLittany, LuRiMer313, Kara_Kim, FuriousFur, JMSWRNR, songfox, KitAnnLIVE, lilmare, MacabreMan2, That_MS_Gamer, Sum_Wun, Chibigirl24, AbbyFabby, PlatYellow, hiccupingboots, xeiu, AntiViGames, guthron, julieee22, LilyHazel, donaldwm, hug3fan14, SoG_Cuicui, Lord_of_Conquest, xzmma, sethorizer, Pommetato, BabyGameyGirl, realdominic, Eldirtysquirrel, sparky_pugwash, TheLifeIsYours, rockysenpai24, DutchGamer46, rekaj3773, INDIE, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, DEAD_P1XL, JesseSkinner, KinaStar, DrJavaSaurus, Deitypotato, where_is_laughingman, zoemountaingirl, alphelm, Optik_Nerve, EndlessMoonfall, smilesandtea, BooobieTrap, Stobie, roberttables, youngsterwaldo, kinbiko, UpmostKek, K1ng440, MissingTheMoon, GremiasV, Wicky020, rockinchi, knugensugen, GERhitmanSRB, NiecyRed, gabrielgabu, DrThu, kingswerv, Nordegraf, Frederik1723, SigmaKun, eclipseanu, DecoyDix, MerlinLeWizard, dot_commie, AdronHall, neniltheelf, BloodThirstyCheeseBurger

Thank you to all the folks that helped make Webpack do what it was built for, properly!

Limmen, Instafluff, Instafriend, ChatTranslator, DevMerlin, SourBeers, BungalowGlow, MacabreMan2, MerlinLeWizard, malfunct, LilyHazel, carlosdlroca, dragonhyperking, TheSabbyLife, lilmare, PlatYellow, Fragmentaiz, DutchGamer46, julieee22, That_MS_Gamer, Capulletti, Adariousmist, Gilokk0, DEAD_P1XL, simrose4u, Mikeystea, QeraiX, Everything_is_awes0me, TominationTime, davex32_, addhugs, MysterREEE, fatnickbtw, LillaSvarten, VA_QUALITY, NevarValor, chun_rhee, Kleitoss, Sacrificedeh, SAVYNA23, MeekloBraca2017, yarrdad, sethorizer, Ellochingon1, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, smilesandtea, ElectricHavoc, CodeRushed, sparky_pugwash, K1ng440, Inventus1, BloodThirstyCheeseBurger, HeyOhKei, EndlessMoonfall, Mr__Andersson, Tech, n0adev, Sweety_Kitty, Dtm4ever, mauerbac, Grognosh2, antdx3162, kneekey23, CookieGangOfficial, CalyScope, Nktakumi, zZeroHeroTV, iScreemCodes, merkurrz, RAYgeHQ, Thedudeskee, Zaediex, NinjaBunny9000, theMichaelJolley, Graf_Blutwurst, roberttables, dot_commie, AtomikJaye, Piq9117, Clarkio, sorskoot, strothj, Rlchibi, TWrongNoTWright, Polarami, justsomedude33, MisterHex, CGJoe, Chibigirl24, jellydance, Alca, Feist_, neniltheelf, RikuRinku, BamJam, SausageCam

Thanks to everyone for helping with creating a particle system!

Instafluff, Instafriend, Neo_TA, ChatTranslator, Gilokk0, LilyHazel, SourBeers, witherbrine, That_MS_Gamer, DutchGamer46, sparky_pugwash, Amarogine, rockysenpai24, K1ng440, napkats, xeiu, simrose4u, PlatYellow, stresstest, Kleitoss, malfunct, MerlinLeWizard, MisterHex, yahooocan, JaceTheBodySculptor, Kara_Kim, addhugs, NiteCrawla, jellydance, emilyhendrieart, solidzone, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, pipskidoodle, brandan_f, Optik_Nerve, roberttables, dot_commie, Epwnaz, Capulletti, Everything_is_awes0me, CodeRushed, comps4food, TheHugoDahl, MrRayKoma, KitAnnLIVE, GoonPontoon, LuRiMer313, RIKACHET, wickjest, LostWorld_, smilesandtea, Breci, SAVYNA23, MissingTheMoon, MalForTheWin, AmericanVikingJohn, carlosdlroca, kinbiko, born_to_be_smart, sethorizer, julieee22, EndlessMoonfall, hypodermicsyringes, umezero, matchaartist, magikworx, TheHungerService, Nordegraf, Glenn___, Grognardian, Alca

Thanks to everyone who helped add particles to Pink Fluffy Unicorn and actually get it showing!

Instafluff, MacabreMan2, Instafriend, That_MS_Gamer, ChatTranslator, fydo, TastyZero, CreativeBuilds, nopogo_tv, oce_n, rockysenpai24, LuRiMer313, MalForTheWin, 土井津仁, shadowcraft5, Jormunduur, DutchGamer46, HeartlessWretch, ChobiLuck, LilyHazel, sethorizer, nallaj, Deitypotato, marss112, firetears89, GameDevCompany, MrSam2004, dot_commie, LastLeap, Gilokk0, MerlinLeWizard, neniltheelf, videorob25, mauerbac, JoeShimHae, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, simrose4u, DevMerlin, TheBardVyune, C0D3_Monkey, surlydev, K1ng440, adamisbest1231, Kyoslilmonster, BooobieTrap, sausage_toes, prasanthlouis, TheMooseSaysMoo, bubblesandunicorns, royoushi, lindrawx, sokanuchan, Dexqyen, WildGenie, tkaraagac, TheHugoDahl, str8buttah, namosri, CodeRushed

And thank you to the folks who helped make particles fancier!

sethorizer, Instafluff, Instafriend, simrose4u, BungalowGlow, That_MS_Gamer, ChatTranslator, fydo, Gilokk0, Pommetato, Deitypotato, pipskidoodle, LuRiMer313, PlatYellow, nopogo_tv, smilesandtea, LilyHazel, sparky_pugwash, DutchGamer46, tiger_k1ng, witherbrine, Kyoslilmonster, oce_n, 8bitHug, KitAnnLIVE, miss_squashsomething, painartist, MerlinLeWizard, rockysenpai24, DrJavaSaurus, malfunct, BeadHappy, PaintHappy, Mondschwinge, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, Uberblacktorne, FuriousFur, DougTheCoder, くコ彡, Amarogine, entityadam, CrimsonKnightZero, Mr_Randomnese, julieee22, radiocaf, adamisbest1231, starcatfish1, LevelUpLady, SodarCZ, Grognardian, thekinglogan, KutDuk, Khaled__, neniltheelf, Bloom_jiminy, Maladath1980, blueangelofdarknes, DannyKampsGamez, HyRoel, TheGeekGeneration, AdorisArts, roberttables, BrandonSatrom, jellydance, AlexVosselman, DR4G0N_S4MUR41, Lahtnaa, BellaTriXrbsa, stresstest, mr_grey, EndlessMoonfall, Glenn___, Levi_Jensen, nickito97, roganffty, gunnaren, Pixelgourmet, arnab345madd, ADAMHR37, Shaggz13, MacabreMan2, 10piggy10, LostWorld_, davidstyrbjorn, Zelgod, Talk2meGooseman

Thanks to everyone who helped upgrade Pink Fluffy Unicorn with Object Velocity and Timers!

Instafluff, Instafriend, sparky_pugwash, ChatTranslator, SourBeers, LilyHazel, MalForTheWin, sethorizer, 8bitHug, Bonnienomnoms, Drawingsomething108, nightsilas, smilesandtea, DevMerlin, mauerbac, Jwh1o1, Gilokk0, EndlessSonrise, simrose4u, WolvesGamingDen, Slimenian, tiger_k1ng, nallaj, DutchGamer46, Aries41745, mr_orange_black_12, Stobie, AmericanVikingJohn, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, thumbtakk, Xiquelle, CrimsonKnightZero, Dionysus_Rex, EvilCanadian, Korthrun, PinataHero, TheSpiceWizard, SkIIzD, TheHugoDahl, KitAnnLIVE, X8Y8Z8X, TheMommyGamers, Murader420, xzanderzone, Optik_Nerve, Armada1715, FinReally, carlosdlroca, Dekruz, Kyoslilmonster, GameDevCompany, rockysenpai24, rhyolight_, Idahostar, Tastygraph, icannotleave, That_MS_Gamer, born_to_be_smart, frickinfreckersfruckenme, Promumm, Glenn___, 彩帶 (rainbowribbon), Moolala, donaldwm, SimZooo, AgroKragle, LuRiMer313, Nordegraf, Bloom_jiminy, Xivalandia, CokeSlayer, EndlessMoonfall, jawibae, artstoff, guthron, MrRayKoma, merkurrz, MellsaMagic, Chibigirl24, thegooseofwild, julieee22, VedSmocker

And thank you to everyone who got out of their normal elements and made it snow, burn, and even rain hamsters!

MacABearMan, Instafriend, Instafluff, ChatTranslator, SourBeers, LilyHazel, That_MS_Gamer, guthron, Gilokk0, TastyZero, Ella_Fint, zakaria68990, smilesandtea, KitAnnLIVE, brandan_f, 777icode777, MisterHex, CogsPokemon, nallaj, baileydale, sethorizer, PlatYellow, DutchGamer46, sparky_pugwash, Kyoslilmonster, rotaidar, ChaiTae, soviet_union12, DrThu, simrose4u, holloway87, jjanders85, zivivi1, MaryJoStaebler, FuriousFur, EndlessMoonfall, JMSWRNR, UltraHal1, FriendlyNGeeks, pookiepew, Luxadin_, K1ng440, janinesmithe, SaltPrincessGretchen, Pieruk, DEAD_P1XL, Liayda, AdronHall, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, Psychosys82, rockysenpai24, CodeRushed, roberttables, Talk2meGooseman, Thrennenne, T_GRAVITY, Chibigirl24, BaconBastrd, ReneChiquete

Thank you to everyone who added EXTREMEPLOSION and FIREWORKS to PinkFluffyUnicorn!

Gilokk0, MacabreMan, Instafriend, Instafluff, BungalowGlow, ChatTranslator, wabes1, sparky_pugwash, simrose4u, That_MS_Gamer, ph1lt0r_and_lala, 한국백형, Danachew, guthron, Wasabi_Cheetah, nallaj, DoctorArgus, Shaezonai, Ella_Fint, LilyHazel, Jormunduur, jlengstorf, Agent_Merlin, zoemountaingirl, atel0s, AntiPixelated, aranhawaii, ecomath328, lilmare, MisterHex, PhysoTronic, ummmheck, Linol_Shadowcat, Little_Bungorf, DutchGamer46, Spationaute, ItsLittany, w3cj, merkurrz, neniltheelf, 10TenArt, cotoli, Songfox, DragosNox, Kevin_C_Melsop, primetimeadventure, rockysenpai24, Alca, Jane_Henry, RaycatWhoDat, JMSWRNR, MaryJoStaebler, opti_21, Kung_Josef, TheRealOutdoors, bryanhowarth, codeaurora, Oh_its_Bartles, LANiD, stuyksoft, cybernecromatics, Nice_la, BillNash, RikuRinku, FuriousFur, karlpolice2001, pawsitivelystitched, SurlyDev, TheHugoDahl, CodeRushed, CrimsonKnightZero, nick_larsen, mholloway24, kinbiko, FlavCreations, wietlol, pipskidoodle, Luxadin, orhantgrl, Nordegraf