
get visual indication of average latency to host(s) in your menu bar

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingdicate from '';



get visual indication of average latency to host(s) in your menu bar


ensure you've got a copy of anybar in your /Applications directory, then...

npm install --global pingdicate

as a postinstall script, pingdicate's plist configuration file will be moved to ~/Library/LaunchAgents and loaded into launchctl. it specifes some default host addresses which you will likely want to override.

to change the host addresses or to specify a path to anybar other than /Applications/, open ~/Library/LaunchAgents/re.gitigno.pingdicate.plist in a text editor and modify the ip address arguments to the -h option in the ProgramArguments string section of the file.

if your path to anybar differs from the expected default, add -a /path/to/your/anybar in the ProgramArguments string.

to apply your changes, run launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/re.gitigno.pingdicate.plist && launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/re.gitigno.pingdicate.plist to stop, reload and restart the service.

launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/re.gitigno.pingdicate.plist && \
mv ~/Library/LaunchAgents/re.gitigno.pingdicate.plist ~/.Trash/

to stop, unload and delete the service from launchctl.