
1. `$ npm init` // you need a `package.json` Pictoproto to configure, 2. `$ npm i -s pictoproto` // install `pictoproto` as a local dependency, - If you don't have a `pictoproto.json`, you'll be guided through its creation. 3. `$ npm start` // runs `$ n

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pictoproto from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pictoproto';



  1. $ npm init // you need a package.json Pictoproto to configure,
  2. $ npm i -s pictoproto // install pictoproto as a local dependency,
  • If you don't have a pictoproto.json, you'll be guided through its creation.
  1. $ npm start // runs $ node ./node_modules/pictoproto/server.js.