
Simple react PDF viewer component with controls based on PDF.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pdfViewerReactjsBulmaWrapped from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pdf-viewer-reactjs-bulma-wrapped';



This package is a wrapper for ansu5555/pdf-viewer-reactjs

Encapsulated bulma with a prefixed style and re-exported the library.

That way those using bootstrap etc. can use the project without worrying about style conflicts.

If you do not have any problems with adding bulma to your project, don't bother using this package and go with the original package.

Refer to the original package, ansu5555/pdf-viewer-reactjs for docs.

Install it via npm install pdf-viewer-reactjs-bulma-wrapped or yarn add pdf-viewer-reactjs-bulma-wrapped

Make sure to import the css file in this module as follows

/* index.js / App.js / or some other file */
import 'pdf-viewer-reactjs-bulma-wrapped/css/main.css';

Then, you can use PdfViewer without worrying about bulma.

import PDFViewer from 'pdf-viewer-reactjs-bulma-wrapped';

Used bulma-starter as the base.

Bulma: a Flexbox CSS framework