
``` yarn start:dev ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pacmanClient from '';



yarn start:dev

Use Local Tunnel

npx localtunnel --port 8080 --subdomain your-name


Web Library

yarn build:web

This creates ./.build/pacman-{version}.js. You can use this file in browser:

<script src="pacman-1.2.0"></script>
  var pacmanClient = mkPacmanClient({
    rockmanId: "9718dee6f1404543ba0c8ad27c5be405",
    serverUrl:  "",
    impressionNumber: 1,
    signalInterval: 1000 // in milliseconds
    category: 'Flow',
    action: 'advance',
    label: 'msisdn-submitted',
    args:  {
      msisdn: '...'

Upload to S3

First make sure you have AWS CLI installed and configured.

yarn upload:s3

This will upload the contents of the .build directory to s3://mobirun/pacman

The final JS file will be at for example:

Library Module

yarn build:module

This creates ./.build-lib/**.

import mkPacmanClient from 'pacman-client'
const pacmanClient = mkPacmanClient({
  rockmanId: "9718dee6f1404543ba0c8ad27c5be405",
  serverUrl:  "",
  impressionNumber: 1,
  signalInterval: 1000 // in milliseconds
  category: 'Flow',
  action: 'advance',
  label: 'msisdn-submitted',
  args:  {
    msisdn: '...'


function mkPacmanClient(config: {
    serverUrl: string;
    rockmanId: string;
    impressionNumber: number;
    signalInterval: number; // in milliseconds, defaults to 1000
    events: EventsEmitter;
}): PacmanClient;

type PacmanClient = {
  sendFlowEvent: (flowEvent: FlowEvent) => void;
  sendCustomEvent: (typeName: string, eventName: string) => void;
  sendOptInFlowEvent: (optInFlowName: OptInFlowName) => void;
  predefinedFlowEvents: {
    onAdvanceInPreFlow: (label: string, args?: any) => void;
    onSubmitMSISDN: (i: {
        msisdn: string
    }) => void;
    onSubmitPIN: (i: {
        pin: string;
        msisdn?: string;
    }) => void;

type FlowEvent {
  category: string;
  action?: string;
  label?: string;
  value?: number;
  args?: any;

type OptInFlowName = 
    "Block" | "Click to sms" | "Hybrid Pin" | "Msisdn to sms" | "Not available" 
  | "Pin" | "Redirect" | "To be determined" | "USSD" | "3G click";

Events API

const {events} = mkPacmanClient({...})

events.addEventListener('battery', ({charging, percent}) => {
  // 0 or 1 time

events.addEventListener('touchmove', ({deltaX, deltaY}) => {
  // 0 or many times

events.addEventListener('ftouch', () => {
  // 0 or 1 time

events.addEventListener('fmotion', () => {
  // 0 or 1 time

events.addEventListener('manusia', () => {
  // 0 or 1 time

List of event types:

  • battery ☀️ (new)

    { t: 'battery', a: { p: [ 1, 0.8 ] }, s: 0 } 
    // p: [is_charging, battery_percent]
  • battery-not-supported ☀️ (new)

    { t: 'battery-not-supported', s: 0 }
  • hidden

    { t: 'hidden', s: 3276.3 }
  • visible

    { t: 'visible', s: 3757.3 }
  • blur

    { t: 'blur', a: { e: 'window' }, s: 3275.9 }
  • focus

    { t: 'focus', a: { e: 'window' }, s: 3757.1 },
  • ftouch ☀️ (client logic updated)

    { t: 'ftouch', s: 58.2 }
  • fmotion ☀️ (client logic updated)

    { t: 'fmotion', s: 13.2 }
  • full_load

    { t: 'full_load', a: { p: [ 449, 1034 ] }, s: 0.2 }
  • html_load

    { t: 'html_load', a: { p: [ 449, 1034 ] }, s: 0.2 }
  • resize

    { t: 'resize', a: { p: [ 449, 1034 ] }, s: 0.9 }
  • scroll

    { t: 'scroll', a: { p: [ 0, 16 ] }, s: 0.5 }
  • click

    This is actually touch event, for backward compatibility I keep using click.

    { t: 'click', a: { e: '', p: [ 268.3, 298.5 ] }, s: 107.2 }
  • touchmove ☀️ (new)

    { t: 'touchmove', a: { p: [ -1.9, -180.1 ] }, s: 59.7 }
    // p: [delta X, delta Y]
  • mouseclick ☀️ (new)

    Mouse click events

    { t: 'mouseclick', a: { e: '', p: [ 268, 298 ] }, s: 107.2 }
  • unload ☀️ (new)

    { t: 'unload', s: 101.2 }
  • flow_event

  • get_sub_method

  • pageview

      t: 'pageview',
      s: 0,
      a: {
        t: 'pageview',
        s: 0,
        // timezone in minutes
        tz: 60, 
        // Notification.permission
        n: 'default', 
        // != window.self
        f: 0, 
        // navigator.connection.type
        nt: 'wifi', 
        // navigator.connection.effectiveType
        ns: '4g', 
        // navigator.language
        l: 'nl-nl', 
        // navigator.languages
        lz: 'nl-nl en-gb nl', 
        // document.body.clientWidth ⚠️
        vw: 412, 
        // document.body.clientHeight ⚠️
        vh: 756, 
        // window.screen.width
        sw: 412, 
        // window.screen.height
        sh: 892, 
        // window.screen.colorDepth
        sd: 24, 
        // window.devicePixelRatio
        sr: 2.625, 
        // navigator.platform
        np: 'Linux armv8l', 
        // navigator.doNotTrack
        dnt: null, 
        // navigator.cookieEnabled
        c: 1, 
        // !!navigator.sessionStorage
        ss: 1, 
        // !!navigator.webdriver
        wd: 0, 
        // !!window.localStorage
        ls: 1, 
        // !!window.indexedDB
        ib: 1, 
        // !!window.openDatabase
        od: 1, 
        // !!document.hasFocus()
        hf: 1, 
        // !!!document.hidden
        iv: 1, 
        // lied languages
        ll: 0, 
        // lied resolution
        lr: 0, 
        // lied OS ☀️ (client logic updated)
        lo: 0, 
        // lied browser ☀️ (client logic updated)
        lb: 0 