
OpenBazaar Websocket SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openbazaarConnector from '';


OpenBazaar Connector

SDK for connecting to the OpenBazaar websocket.


var connector = require('openbazaar-connector')(hostname, port);

// Function arity is (cmd, [params], cb)
connector.sendCommand('check_order_count', {}, function(data) {
  // Order data here

// You can also use any supported function directly. See functions.js.
connector.check_inbox_count(function(data) {
  // Inbox data here

// Some requests return multiple datagrams, like `peers`, which returns each
// peer as the DHT returns it (which can take a lot of time).
// Subscribe to a stream and the callback will be called each time data
// comes back.
connector.subscribe('peers', function(data) {
  // Peer data here

// Bind to raw data (this is the firehose)
connector.on('data', onData)

// Catch errors
connector.on('error', onError)

// Catch 'connect', 'reconnect', and 'disconnect' events.
connector.on('connect', onConnect)
connector.on('reconnect', onReconnect)
connector.on('disconnect', onDisconnect)

Trying it out

Start OpenBazaar and take note of the port. It will be passed to the sample connector.

git clone
cd openbazaar-connector
npm install
node sample_usage.js $PORT

Available functions

The following is a list of functions available to be called.

You can get this in text format here.

Yellow items follow the standard req/res model, but some may not return any data.

White items should be treated as subscriptions as they may return multiple datagrams.

Orange items are deprecated.
