
React Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ocComponentLibrary from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oc-component-library';


Open Colleges style guide


The OpenSpace style guide is a living, breathing system. Designed to convey our visual language and encourage product consistency across all contexts and technologies.


Our aim is to deliver a system comprised of reusable components that ensures efficient implementation and a unified user experience. Learn more about these components using our Wiki on GitHub.

The OpenSpace style guide will be updated regularly, mature over its iterations and improve the workflow between design and development. To learn more about upcoming features, view our progress in Jira, or check out some of our library on Sketch Cloud.


Open Colleges has had a number of competing style guides, all relevant in their own right. However, to eliminate fragmentation we’ve deprecated other style guides and created this single reference for your convenience.

Copyright © Open Colleges 2018


  • npm run build or npm run prepublish - produces production version of your library under the lib folder
  • npm run start - produces development version of your library and runs a watcher


Using npm

npm install -save oc-component-library


Import stylesheets:

import 'oc-component-library/dist/style.css';

Import Component:

import { OCDate } from 'oc-component-library';