You can use below features as given in examples below
we have methods in it like ::: add, sub, div, mul, sq, cube, diff, greet, joke
install using command
signatures to use them is as
const add: (num1: any, num2: any) => any
const sub: (num1: any, num2: any) => number
const div: (num1: any, num2: any) => number | "first number is negative which is not allowed." | "second number is negative which is not allowed." | "second number should not be zero."
const mul: (num1: any, num2: any) => number
const sq: (num: any) => number
const cube: (num: any) => number
const diff: (num1: any, num2: any) => number
const greet: () => string
const joke: () => string
examples of above features
console.log("square of 10 :: "+sq(10));
console.log("cube of 10 :: "+cube(10));
console.log("multiplication of 2 and 50 :: "+mul(2,50));
console.log("division of 100 by 2 :: "+div(200,2));
console.log("substracting 100 from 200 :: "+sub(200,100));
console.log("difference between 100 and 200 :: "+diff(100,200));
console.log("addition of 50 and 50 :: "+add(50,50));
console.log("greet use :: "+greet());
console.log("joke use :: "+joke());